Cryptocurrency exchange Gemini's newly announced, controversial UK travel rule represents a "worrying move" towards over-regulation and risks cryptocurrency users losing...
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The Federal Center for Technical Education of Minas Gerais (Cefet-MG) is the first Brazilian institution to use entrance tests at...
Venezuela's government, led by dictator Nicolás Maduro, suspended the results of the October primaries that defined María Corina Machado as...
The United States said on Tuesday it held constructive talks with China this week on nuclear non-proliferation and arms control...
House › Interests › Culture › King Charles III makes a speech to regulate streamers in England Prime Minister Rishi...
Scientist Anugra Shah from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore (USA) is working with Hamilton Ramos from the IAC-QBIA project...
1 of 2 joint exercises will continue until November 16 — Photo: Brazilian Army/Expression The joint exercises will continue until...
Britain's Loneliest Goat Photo: Reproduction/BBC News Lone sheep rescued in England After two years of isolation At the foot of...
Forty-eight soldiers from the New York Army National Guard traveled to Brazil on October 28 and 29 to conduct exercises...
you Pan-American Games Chile's Santiago consolidated Brazil into a powerhouse in the sport. In its best participation in...