In the aftermath of the cyber attack, the United States declared a state of emergency on Sunday (May 9, 2021),...
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'Isolated Quartet' started an epidemic with just over 50 followers, today amassing 230 thousand fans on social networks Isolated quartet...
Barbarism is causing more population damage (Photo: Getty Images)More than 45,000 people have been registered for the barbaric massacre in...
As expected, the Scottish National Party (SNP) won Wednesday's parliamentary election in Scotland. Nicola Sturgeon said shortly before the results...
+ BBC Jersey has a population of 100,000 (Photo: AFP via BBC)This week the English Channel has been the subject...
© Francisco Seco / AFPToDSF07 May, 2021 • 22:04Porto Community Pledge signed. The document, signed by European officials this Friday,...
When it comes to Apple’s smartphone, surprising transactions like the Brit that iPhone SE received after ordering Apple in the...
The UK government's green list of "safe" foreign trips has been unveiled as the traffic light system for resuming international...
According to Sieves, 93 confirmed cases of Manas variant have been reported in the state. Of these, 40 were hospitalized...
Uma ativista plos directis passoas com trissomia 21 no Rino Unido vai levar do aborto naquele pais a tribunal, arguing...