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Three UEL professors have been selected for the 2021 Confap Prize for Science, Technology and Innovation

Three UEL professors have been selected for the 2021 Confap Prize for Science, Technology and Innovation

Three professors from UEL (Londrina State University) have been selected in the state phase of the Confap Prize (National Council of FAPs – State Institutions for Research Support) for Science, Technology and Innovation.

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In this first version, the award is named after the professor and engineer Francisco Romeo Landi (1933-2004), who was the president of the National Forum of FAPs and the author of its statutes. All three were selected by the Araucaria Foundation.

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They are Professors Amore Alcindo Alfieri (Department of Preventive Veterinary Medicine/CCA – Center for Agricultural Sciences) and Dean of Research and Postgraduate Studies, in the Distinguished Researcher Category – Life Sciences; Vera Lucia Suguihiro (Department of Social Work / Cesa – Center for Applied Social Studies), in the category of Innovative Researcher – Public Sector; Lucas Vieira de Araujo (Department of Communication / Ceca – Center for Education, Communication and the Arts), in the Professional Communication category.

to get to know – Confap collects 26 FAPs (Governmental Research Support Institutions) and, in April 2021, completed 15 years of history. Through the award, the Council recognizes works of great potential and contribution to the scientific, technological and innovative development of Brazil and professionals in the field of communication, who are active in the dissemination of scientific, technological and innovative research, as well as the dissemination of research results, innovations and projects implemented at the national level, and their impacts in the cultural, scientific, technological and environmental fields economic, human and social.

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national stage – The nominees will be registered by the Araucária Foundation for the national stage, where the top three in each category and subcategory will be awarded prize certificates, prizes and prize money.

The final result (finalists) must be announced by November 25 and the award ceremony will take place on December 1st.

Learn more about Confap . Award.