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This tax must be returned to customers in less than 20 days;  Find out if you have a right

This tax must be returned to customers in less than 20 days; Find out if you have a right

Who wouldn’t want a tax refund out of the many we pay daily? However, know that this is exactly what should happen soon for some people according to the decision National Communications Agency (Anatell). Apparently, some companies have less than 20 days to perform this procedure. If you want to know what we’re talking about, keep reading for this article below.

Find out which tax to return – Photo: @jeanedeoliveirafotografia / pronatec.pro.br

What tax must be returned?

First of all, according to ANATEL, last Wednesday (21), it was decided that agencies providing telecommunication services are obligated to re-collect Tax on the circulation of goods and services (ICMS) to clients. This is due to the reduction of the tax rate imposed on various sectors such as fuel, gas, energy, communications and public transportation.

In this way, this selection of Anatell Based on Supplementary Law No. 194, enacted in June of this year, a cap on the tax rate has been set in the text. ICMS. However, three months later, companies still did not pass the change in the tax charged to consumers. Now the maximum period for doing so should be 15 days and retroactive or non-compliance will result in numerous fines of up to R$50 million.

However, the procedure does not apply to providers associated with tax systems such as Simples Nacional.

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illicit enrichment

in advance, Anatell He was harsh in describing the illicit enrichment of telecom service providers because they had not yet passed the levied tax.

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So, for her, lowering the tax rate ICMS Aims to benefit consumers as you specify LC 194/2022 And that the delay causes immediate damage to it.

About ICMS

First, the full name of the program ICMS that it Tax on interstate and inter-municipal circulation of goods, transport and communication services It was organized in 1996 complementary law (LC) Qandir No. 87. It mainly consists of taxation at the state level with values ​​defined by all the federal regions of Brazil, including the Federal District.

It functions as a tax levied on a product or service traded between legal entities and individuals within Brazilian municipalities and states. However, contrary to what many people think, not all products suffer from infection greeting. Only the main items as mentioned below:

  • electronics ;
  • spare parts of cars
  • lamps.
  • drinks;
  • fuel;
  • household appliance.

In addition, there are products that are completely free of ICMS as such

  • books, newspapers, periodicals and papers for printing;
  • Services or goods destined for abroad, with the inclusion of primary and industrial products;
  • interstate operations related to electricity and oil;
  • Operations in gold when there is a financial asset or foreign exchange instrument;
  • rent;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • trade in agricultural inputs;
  • purchase of accessible vehicles for persons with disabilities (PwD);

Finally, other information can be seen directly at the link www.planalto.gov.br/ccivil_03/leis/lcp/lcp87.htm.

Unauthorized charges on your credit card

Incorrect charging on your credit card can happen to people who use the cards for a variety of reasons. Among the reasons for an undeserved fee may be errors when the system processes payment, interest or penalties for delays that may not have occurred.

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However, when a consumer notices that there may be improper charges on their card, there are some steps that must be taken to solve the problem. In this sense, the first step is to identify the incorrect charge. It is necessary to ensure that what is actually charged on the card statement is not due.

Next, the next step is to separate and keep the payment receipts. It is worth noting that vouchers can be a way to resolve the situation faster.

Then you need to find the company. In this case, you can search for the bank, whether traditional or digital, and report the problem. However, if the problem concerns the credit card operator, it is necessary to search for the operator directly through the official service channels.

Finally, if necessary, Procon can be activated to resolve the situation. For this, a citizen must have all the documents that prove the incorrect charge.

Return to a specific audience

In accordance with the rules for refunds corresponding to the IPVA, the government of São Paulo has set a date for persons with disabilities (PCDs) to receive payments. According to the published information, the return of the values ​​will begin on Tuesday (27).

Thus, in order for the concerned citizens to receive the funds, it will be necessary to go to one of the branches of Banco do Brasil. Thus, since it is a procedure from São Paulo, the agency must be from the same place.

However, it will be necessary to carry an official document with a photo, so that the server can carry out the procedure. Finally, the Vehicle Registration and Licensing Certificate (CRLV) will be responsible for confirming the exemption.

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