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This new feature will help you save memory on your computer.

This new feature will help you save memory on your computer.

Google Chrome is one of the most used and recognized browsers among the users. However, to run it with excellence, some resources are required, which was a problem, until the recent update of browser. Now it has faster processing as well as less memory usage. Check out the new update Google Chrome.

This new feature will help you save memory on your computer.

The first step to access the mods is to update the Chrome app as it does not work in previous versions. All changes described here can be made on both Mac and Windows devices.

Follow the complete steps step by step and improve your browser performance:

  • update the version to 08.0.5359.124 or later;
  • Open Chrome and then in the address bar write: chrome://flags/#high-performance-mode-available;
  • activation confirmed, restart the browser;
  • Back in the address bar, type: chrome://settings/performance;
  • Locate the “Memory Saver” option and activate this feature;
  • Restart Chrome again.

The feature has been activated

ready! Now you can already see the difference with using this feature. By activating this option, you can reduce memory usage by 50%. Especially for those who need to use more than one window or tab. In these cases, any browser will have a load on memory usage, but it will be reduced in Chrome.

About this memory reduction feature, those responsible for Chrome make the following comment:

“When Chrome is running, Chrome frees memory from inactive tabs. This gives active tabs and other apps more computer resources and keeps Chrome faster. Inactive tabs automatically become active again when you come back to them.”

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Put it into practice and notice the difference between computer performance and browser speed. Before performing the operation, check how much space is occupied in your memory, and then how it turned out.