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This is the diet that can make us live up to 10 years longer

This is the diet that can make us live up to 10 years longer

Active nutrition is one of the keys to being healthier and living longer. Recent research revealed that a diet The specific health can extend the life span for another decade.

When analyzing studies in countries such as the United States, China, and some areas of Europe, it was concluded that certain food groups can affect our life expectancy.

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Therefore, a certain diet can help us extend our lives for 10 years longer than we used to live.

After all, what are foods?

In the beginning it will be important to reduce the consumption of red meat, ultra-processed foods and foods rich in sugar, While it will be necessary Replace refined flour with whole grains and increase the portions of legumes and nuts.

And while it may be surprising that fruits, vegetables, and fish aren’t in the top tier of this food, it’s true that they still have a very positive impact on our health.

However, their consumption in the typical diet is not as low as that of legumes or whole grains. Therefore, its effect on the model is less, according to experts.

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However, other foods studied can have a very neutral effect, such as white meat, eggs and vegetable oils, which appear to have no relevant effects on longevity, with the exception of olive oil, which has a protective role in our health. Therefore, food should focus elsewhere and not so much on these products.

According to this study, starting this diet at age 20 can extend our lives between 10 and 13 years, while doing so at age 60 will make us live up to eight more years, dramatically improving our health.

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And while the benefits are greater the sooner we switch to a healthy diet, even people approaching 80 can significantly increase their lives by about three and a half years.

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