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This city prohibits wearing a swimsuit and bare feet on the street

This city prohibits wearing a swimsuit and bare feet on the street

A popular tourist destination in northwest Italy has passed a law banning people from blocking paths, sitting on the ground, or walking barefoot and wearing a swimsuit. Proceedings of the Mayor of Portofino.

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The document in question outlines the rules of urban decency and claims its aim is to “protect and custodianship the land and image of the village, an internationally renowned destination”.


Actions have been announced before The second journal, Secolo XIX. In practice, the ban includes walking with people in swimsuits, topless or barefoot, out of crowds on benches, balconies, or even any public place. This measure also prohibits napping in the open air.

However, this is not the first time that this kind of controversies have surrounded the village. This is because the municipal administration has already included, at different times, other similar indicators. The difference is that now they gain decision power.

For this reason, the legislation even provides for fines between 25 and 500 euros, that is, between R$ 137.60 and R$ 2,571.80, in the current transfer.


This time of the year coincides with the peak season for tourists in the region, and thus, there is a huge increase in the population, especially in areas such as the historic center and the port area. The city council claims that during these periods, many behaviors and attitudes that are inappropriate and that violate the norms of civil coexistence are perceived in the village.

With less than 400 residents, the resort is located on the outskirts of Genoa and is, for example, a frequent destination for millionaires, as well as world celebrities.

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