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Thiago Paulino protests on the podium after losing the gold medal

Thiago Paulino protests on the podium after losing the gold medal

Brazilian Thiago Paulino protested on the F57 class shot podium (for athletes competing in wheelchairs with the effects of polio, spinal cord injuries and amputations) after You lose your gold medal due to proof review At the Tokyo Paralympic Games.

As the streak tightened toward the podium, the Brazilian – who took the bronze after invalidating his first-place mark – was nervous and uncomfortable with the decision.

He was put on the podium, Thiago hit his chest several times, put the “no” sign with his hand, and then showed the number 1. Upon receiving the medal, the Brazilian repeated the gestures. However, he put bronze around his neck.

With the revision, the Chinese Guoshan Wu inherited the gold and “responded” to Tiago’s protest. He showed his country’s flag and hit his chest and scored No. 1 with his right hand.

Thiago kept his head down while performing the national anthem of China and then raised his clenched right fist in protest. The Brazilian still shook his head in denial.

In a test held Friday morning (3) in Brazil, Thiago Paulino threw 15.10 meters and won the gold medal. The test, however, was revised as a result of the Brazilian disease. The new podium, launched about 12 hours after the dispute, showed Thiago in third place, with 14.77 meters as his best mark.

In addition to Thiago, Brazilian Marco Aurelio Borges, who took the silver with 14.85 metres, also appeared on the podium.

silly decision

The result of the controversial shot was revised after a protest by the Chinese delegation. Prior to the decision, the Brazilian Paralympic Committee CPB had made it clear that it had been unsuccessful in trying to reverse the punishment of its athlete, who is classified as “ridiculous”. “We exhausted all available resources, but athlete Thiago Paulino took bronze in the shot put competition in the F57 class. At the time of testing, the golden field was validated by judging,” the CPB posted on its Twitter profile.

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“Thiago left the Olympic Stadium, on the third night, as Paralympic champion, the 21st Brazilian gold medalist in Tokyo, equaling the London 2012 historic mark, and woke up on Saturday, 4th, to the bronze medal without evidence. Who committed any wrongdoing. Our protest and indignation remain at This absurd decision. Strength, Thiago, Brazil and justice are on your side.”

CPB President Michael Conrado also criticized the episode on his social networks. The official said the decision was “strange” and was made by people who “never competed for a medal.”

“It is possible that the owners of this strange decision have never argued for any medal to know the significance of Thiago’s achievement, and what such an injustice, after five years of dedication, with daily training, compromising many things to be the best,” the president began on his Twitter profile.

“After so much chaos in the past four years, it is naive to think that everything will naturally end here,” he added.

Mazaal pointed out that “the refusal to display the video tape of the alleged violation constitutes a blatant lack of transparency.”