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They give signals!  5 ways to spot a narcissist in your social circle

They give signals! 5 ways to spot a narcissist in your social circle

Who among us has never come across someone who always seems to be in the spotlight, and wants endless applause for their actions and actions? Sometimes this can just be a confident personality trait. But in other cases, it can be narcissistic.

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How can such a person be recognized? The question becomes even more interesting when we consider that, as Harvard Medical School psychology professor Dr. Craig Malkin puts it, “everyone falls somewhere on the spectrum of narcissism.”

So, if you think you have a narcissist in your social circle, here are five signs that you might.

5 signs that reveal a narcissistic person in your social circle

1. A strange sense of superiority

Outspoken narcissists, as Malkin describes them, live by feeling superior to others. Remember that person who, no matter what you do, always tries to belittle your accomplishments so you can feel your best? “It’s always this feeling that somehow, no matter what you do, it will never be enough.Malkin comments.

2. Focus on yourself

Have you ever been involved in a conversation and felt like you were just listening and no one ever heard you? Narcissists tend to control conversations and make everything revolve around them. “Narcissism, in general, means having an inflated view of yourself.Dr. W. Keith Campbell points out.

3. Difficulty forming real bonds

Malkin points out that narcissism often prevents a person from developing true intimate relationships. So, even if the narcissist appears to have a lot of “friends,” the bonds can be superficial, shaped by “exploitation,” “correctness,” and “commitment to empathy.”

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4. The interface of charisma and charm

As Deborah Ashway, a licensed clinical mental health counselor in New Bern, North Carolina, points out, narcissists often use magic to bring people into their world. They master the art of manipulation, which makes them appear irresistibly attractive and confident.

5. The gap between self-image and reality

Narcissists often have an inflated view of their own abilities and importance. As Ashwai has noted, they present a “very good front” and can convince others of their greatness, even if the reality is very different.

If you think someone in your circle is a narcissist, it’s important to approach the relationship with caution. And if you find yourself in a web of manipulation, Ashway’s advice is indispensable: “Don’t blame yourself.”