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These seeds prevent Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and even help reduce hunger.

These seeds prevent Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and even help reduce hunger.

Chia (first on the left) is a seed that helps prevent cancer and quell hunger

Credits: iStock/FotografiaBasica

Chia (first on the left) is a seed that helps prevent cancer and quell hunger

Chia is a seed that has gained increasing importance in healthy eating, including cancer prevention. Rich in nutrients important for health, seeds can also be a great ally in the slimming process.

With just 1 tablespoon of chia, you can get 3.4 grams of fiber, which is about 11% of the daily recommendation. In addition, chia is one of the greatest vegetable sources of omega-3, and also contains zinc, calcium and vegetable protein in large doses.

The B complex vitamins found in these seeds, such as thiamin and niacin, are essential for proper cell functioning, while the antioxidants tocopherols and polyphenols help prevent serious diseases such as cancer.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO)Alzheimer’s disease affects about a million Brazilians, and chia seeds can be an important ally in preventing the disease.

In addition, chia is a source of good fats and can promote the body’s natural detoxification, making it a complete food.

Top view of a white bowl filled with chia seeds

Credits: iStock/FotografiaBasica

Top view of a white bowl filled with chia seeds

How do I include this seed in my diet?

To include chia in your diet, you can sprinkle the whole or ground seeds on fruits, smoothies, salads, and soups.

The seeds can also be used in muffin and pie recipes, making them even more nutritious. In addition, chia can replace eggs in the kitchen and is an excellent basis for healthy desserts.

On contact with water, chia seeds form a kind of gel that promotes satiety and helps control appetite.

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