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Theatre students take classes with a master’s degree in zoology.

Theatre students take classes with a master’s degree in zoology.

The students of the theater workshop, which was made available free of charge to the population, through the Ministry of Culture of the Francisco Beltrão City Hall, had a unique experience with a special environmental class, taught by Master in Zoology and Doctor in Veterinary Science Paulo Henrique Braz, creator of a YouTube channel called Observatório de Patas.

He currently teaches courses in Veterinary Medicine and Master in Health, Welfare and Sustainable Animal Production, both at the Federal University Frontera Sul, Realeza Campus. He also holds the position of Deputy Superintendent of the University Veterinary Hospital Unit on the campus.

The coordinator of the artistic workshops at the city hall, Nadele Agostini Elvas, said that the dynamic is very important. According to her, the theater teacher Roberto Sottil is working with one of the classes on a play with an environmental theme that will be presented at the end of the year.

“We realized that students had difficulty working on this topic, so we were honored to welcome this professional who brought wild animals so that students could get to know them up close, clarify doubts and experience direct contact,” comments Nadeli.

This year the theatre workshop welcomed more than 80 students, divided into six classes. Free theatre plays, open to the public, will be presented on November 21, 22 and 23, at Espaço da Arte, at the end of the 2024 activities.

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