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The website uses artificial intelligence to turn characters into Pokemon

The website uses artificial intelligence to turn characters into Pokemon

Pokémon are unique little monsters, but they are often inspired by real animals or even some things. Given this freedom of diversity, a new paradigm of artificial intelligence succeeds in turning any known character into a unique and unique Pokemon version.

A website reveals a new artificial intelligence program capable of transforming a phrase or character into a Pokemon within seconds, with beautiful and well-made images, which have grabbed the public’s attention.

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AI turns anything into Pokemon

The app in question was developed by programmer Justin Pinkney, and he called it text-to-Pokemon. Putting the name of any famous person or character on the site allows you to get a copy of it in the world of clever little monsters.

In this case, it is possible to put a sentence, but it will not always be a good basis for creating a Pokemon, so the strong point of the site is when you put a famous character or a character from cartoons and other films in you know its version in Pokemon.

Best of all, you can access several options until you find the most interesting one. On the site itself, it offers to create up to 4 different images or you can simply press send This art is changing.

It is already very successful, being used more than 200 thousand times by people all over the world and creating several different types of Pokémon. Many of these people share Pokémon on the Internet.

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Among the inspirations are some famous characters from other cartoons, celebrities, public figures and even works of art and politicians. Imagination is the limit. Pinkey himself made a post on Twitter with some of the photos that were revealed.

“My Pokemon generator seems to be getting some attention. I see a lot of interesting examples of treads and it is curious how people like to produce their own Pokemon.”

Among the characters used are Hello Kitty and Peppa Pig, and among the phrases are “Girl with a Pearl Earring” and “Cute Barack Obama.”

Simple and practical operation

Artificial intelligence

The tool appears to have worked. In times when many AI tools offer text-to-image conversion, it can be seen that most of these results are somewhat abstract images. In the case of converting text to Pokemon, the image is very simple and shows what the user wants to see. The graphics are well done, especially when they are inspired by other graphics (in the case of real people, it can be a bit annoying).

But it’s not a unique tool, as it has been adapted from Stable Diffusion, a more complete and powerful artificial intelligence generator, capable of converting text into images with good levels of accuracy.

This adaptation was possible because Stable Diffusion is open source, so programmers can use it so that they can use this capability in their own tools. Unlike other competing solutions, such as OpenAI’s DALL-E 2 and Google’s Imagen.

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Pinckney revealed that he spent very little on this adaptation, investing only $10, which in a direct transfer would be the equivalent of R$55 in Brazil. And this was precisely because this investment was so low that he was able to make it available online for free.

Access the site and create your own Pokemon

Anyone can enter the site and create their own Pokémon, just click here And start the fun. It’s worth remembering that you need to have a GitHub account for this, but those without one can do it right away, it’s free, simple and easy.

After that, just put a phrase or the name of any famous character or character that you want to turn into a Pokémon. It also asks you to choose the number of images to be created, the more images, the more Pokémon options to choose the one you like best.

It also displays some parameters, namely num_inference_steps, which mainly measure the noise reduction from the image. In this case, the best option is 50 mode, so that the picture has less noise. If you put a low number, it will appear to be of lower quality and with less detail. Other parameters are also quite technical, so for those without advanced knowledge, the ideal is to leave the default that actually comes.

Remember that since the site is created in English, it is also necessary to write in English in the case of sentences. Regarding characters, it is also necessary to write his name in English. For example, instead of SpongeBob, you have to put Sponge Bob. In the case of celebrities, look for celebrities all over the world, preferably in the United States.

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Oh, and don’t forget to share your Pokemon here for us to see!