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The video shows Caique Brito trying to kiss a woman before the incident occurred

The video shows Caique Brito trying to kiss a woman before the incident occurred

Photo: Clone/Instagram

The recorded photos showed the actor next to a woman

New photos from the security camera of the booth that actor Kayky Brito was recording in have been released by Domingo Especacular. In one of the recordings, the artist appears interacting with another woman, and his friend Bruno De Luca quickly removes him.

The actor appears drunk, but he tries to approach the woman and kiss her on the face, in addition to pointing to the phone with his hand. Actor Bruno De Luca tried to fire him repeatedly.

In excerpts from the video, the two actors spoke and approached a woman wearing a white and pink dress at the institution.

After Caique Brito approached, his friend tried to fight back and push the actor away from the woman. However, Kaiki returned to the girl’s side and was pulled by the shirt.

The woman in question spoke to the Record, and stated that they were both drunk: “Kaiki was like a drunk, and Bruno was very agitated, very upset.”

“I just talked to them. I was there at that moment, and I told them to be careful, so that wouldn’t happen, you know?” he recalled.

On September 2, the actor was run over on Avenida Lucio Costa, in Barra da Tijuca, western district of Rio de Janeiro, and was later taken to the Miguel Cotto Municipal Hospital.

The artist was diagnosed with multiple body traumas and head trauma and is in serious condition. He was transferred to the Copa D’Or private hospital, where he underwent surgery to treat body fractures and remained in the hospital for 27 days.

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Kaikeyi was discharged from the hospital last Friday (29) and is undergoing rehabilitation at home.

*Text by Julia Wasko

Julia Wasko is a journalism student fascinated by news, entertainment, and communication. Follow Julia Wasko on Instagram: @juwasko