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The University of the South Pacific offers summer courses in the fields of mathematics, statistics, and computer science

The University of the South Pacific offers summer courses in the fields of mathematics, statistics, and computer science

The University of the South Pacific offers summer courses in mathematics, statistics and computer science for university (and external) students, between January 8 and February 23, with online registration and fees ranging from R$70 to R$300.

The University of the South Pacific offers summer courses in the fields of mathematics, statistics, and computer science

The University of the South Pacific offers summer courses in the fields of mathematics, statistics, and computer science

Photo: Reproduction/Getty Images

a University of Sao Paulo (USP) Vacancies are open for Summer courses in the fields of mathematics, statistics and computer science. Currently, it is possible to enroll in six courses, with online and in-person options (See end of text).

According to the university, the program takes place between January 8 and February 23, but each session follows a specific calendar and targets a specific audience. Registration can be done via Internet.

As for non-students at the university, it is necessary to register in the USP system. For those who already have an account, simply log in. Within the system, simply select the path you are interested in by clicking on the arrow icon. There is a fee, ranging from R$70 to R$300, depending on the course chosen.

It is possible to participate in more than one course, but there is a limit to one registration per day. The general period for fee waiver requests ended on December 1, but according to the university it is still possible to request them. Interested parties must fill out the form online.

If you have any questions, please contact the program team by phone (11) 3091-6169 Or by email [email protected].

Find out which courses and vacancies are still available:

  • Reproducible Reports with R – EaD (Evening EaD) – 34 vacancies
  • 3D modeling with programming in OpenSCAD – EaD (EaD) – 28 places
  • Introduction to TensorFlow Lite for Android – EaD (EaD) – 27 places
  • Great moments in the history of mathematics – 27 vacancies
  • Algebra: From Antiquity to the Arab World – 26 places
  • Image processing using halide – EaD (EaD) – 13 active vacancies

Source: Redacao Terra

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