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The United States will send 80 million doses to other countries – internationally

The United States will send 80 million doses to other countries – internationally

Joe Biden announced that he had sent extra doses to the other paw
Joe Biden announced that he had sent additional quantities to other countries (Photo: AFP / Nicholas Gum)

The United States will provide an additional 20 million doses of anti-viral vaccines to other countries, approximately the amount imposed overseas 80 million dose, The White House announced on Monday (5/17).

“The United States will send 20 million approved doses for use in the United States by the end of June International spread“Shahi said that the White House press secretary Jen.

The president expected the officer Joe Biden He will formally address the move in a speech broadcast on Monday afternoon.

The announcement comes as the immunization campaign in the United States has made significant progress and the Biden government is increasing pressure to help other countries with large-scale immunizations.

Zackie declined to comment on which countries are the export priority, but Biden insisted that Washington would do everything possible to help India deal with the outbreak of the disease.

The first 60 million dose will be all Astrogenogen, Once the vaccine has been approved by US authorities. The vaccine, developed by an Anglo-Swedish pharmacist, has not yet been used in the United States and is not required.

Zaki did not specify which vaccine 20 million additional doses would correspond to, and declared them “other doses of approved vaccines”.

Spokesman The number of 80 million is multiplied by five “the largest amount donated by any country in the world”.

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