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The United Nations warns that sea level is rising twice as fast as expected

The United Nations warns that sea level is rising twice as fast as expected

Melting glaciers break records. Photo: Reproduction Tanya Grypachevskaya/Unsplash

the original contribution was written by RFI

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said Friday that sea levels are rising twice as fast as in the first decade of measurements (1993-2002) and reached a new record last year. In addition, the UN agency document showed that glaciers are melting at a dramatic pace and can no longer be preserved, as climate change indicators have reached record levels, a trend that should consolidate by 2060.

In a report detailing the devastation wrought by the climate, the United Nations said that the intense melting of glaciers and the record-breaking heat in the oceans – leading to an expansion of water volumes – contributed to an average sea level rise of about 4.62 mm per year between 2013 and 2022. It is changing. This is double what it was in the first decade on record, 1993-2002, with a total increase of more than 10 cm since the early 1990s.

Rising sea levels threaten some coastal cities and the existence of low-lying nations such as Tuvalu, which plans to build a digital version of itself in the event that it goes under water.

WMO Secretary-General Peteri said: “This report shows, once again, that concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere continue to reach record levels, contributing to warming of land and oceans, melting ice caps and glaciers, and raising sea levels.” ocean warming and acidification. Taalas at the opening of the post.

The annual report, released on the eve of Earth Day, also showed that sea ice in Antarctica fell to record levels last June and July. The oceans have experienced record temperatures, with about 58% of their surface area experiencing a marine heat wave.

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New record

Climate scientists have warned that the world could set a new average temperature record in 2023 or 2024 as a result of climate change and an early return of the El Niño phenomenon. The United Nations warns that the melting of glaciers is setting a record.

The report confirms that the average global temperature in 2022 was 1.15 degrees Celsius higher than it was in pre-industrial times (1850-1900) and that the past eight years were the warmest on record, despite the cooling caused by the La Niña weather phenomenon. in the country. Three consecutive years.

According to the World Meteorological Organization,The melting of some European glaciers literally surpassed records“.

“The glaciers remain extremely vulnerable because the carbon dioxide concentration is already high and sea level rise is likely to continue for thousands of years,” said Petteri Taalas.

The melt cannot be stopped, he said, “unless we create a way to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.”

European glaciers

Reference glaciers have lost more than average over the past 10 years. The cumulative loss of glacier thickness since 1970 is approximately 30 metres.

The European Alps experienced record melting of glaciers due to a combination of low snow cover in winter, the arrival of dust from the Sahara desert in March 2022 and heatwaves between May and early September.

The condition of the Swiss glaciers is particularly tragic. They lost 6% of their ice volume between 2021 and 2022, compared to a third between 2001 and 2022. For the first time, no snow survived the summer melt season, even at higher measurement locations, where there was no buildup. of fresh snow.

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Sea levels and ocean temperatures are also at record levels.

Droughts, floods, and heat waves are affecting large parts of the world, and the associated costs are rising.

“Greenhouse gas emissions continue to rise, the climate continues to change, and people around the world continue to be severely affected by extreme weather and events,” Taalas warns.

With information from Agence France-Presse.

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