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The three secrets of reaching 100 years old, according to science

The three secrets of reaching 100 years old, according to science

According to experts, a combination of 3 secrets can help a person reach the age of 100 years – iStock/Lordn – Istok/Lorden

It’s never too late to start investing in healthy habits that can extend your life and increase your chances of reaching 100 or older. This is what a global study recently published in The JAMA Network is openThis challenges the belief that lifestyle changes lose their effectiveness with age.

Research reveals that older people who adopt healthy practices, even after the age of 80, are significantly more likely to reach the age of 100. This opens an optimistic perspective for those who believe it is time to take care of their health.

The researchers highlight simple choices, such as avoiding smoking, maintaining an exercise routine and following a balanced diet, as the cornerstones of achieving health. longevity.

Study details

To understand how lifestyle affects extreme longevity, scientists analyzed data from the Chinese Longitudinal Survey of Healthy Longevity, one of the largest surveys of older adults. 1,454 centenarians were compared with 3,768 people of the same background, but who did not reach 100 years of age.

Based on three main factors – smoking, exercise habits and dietary diversity – the researchers created a ‘healthy lifestyle score’, to which each participant could add up to 6 points.

When comparing the results, it became clear that those with the highest scores (5-6 points) were 61% more likely to reach age 100, compared to those with the lowest scores (0-2 points), regardless of factors such as Education, marital status or health conditions.

The three secrets to reaching 100 years old

Never smoking increases your chance of living to 100 by 25%, while exercising regularly increases that chance by 31%. A varied diet rich in fruits, vegetables, fish and tea increases the chances of infection by 23%.

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Interestingly, BMI and alcohol consumption did not show a statistically significant relationship with longevity in this population.

Although the study doesn’t prove cause and effect, it has a strong message: Making lifestyle changes at any age can provide a path to a long, healthy life. However, because the research was conducted exclusively on Chinese people, results may vary among other populations.