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The theme of Grandparents’ Day is “His mercy extends from generation to generation.”

The theme of Grandparents’ Day is “His mercy extends from generation to generation.”

On the occasion of the Third World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly, which will be celebrated on Sunday, July 23, the Holy Father will preside over the celebration of the Eucharist in Saint Peter’s Basilica and will invite parishes, dioceses, associations and the Church to celebrate this day. in its pastoral context. By the way, Vatican Radio – Vatican News listened to the Secretary of the Department for Laity, Family and Life Prof. Dr. Gleeson by Paula Souza

Raimundo de Lima / Salvatore Cernuzio – Vatican News

The third International Day of Grandparents and Elderly People will be celebrated on Sunday, July 23. The theme chosen by the Holy Father is “His mercy extends from generation to generation” (Luke 1:50), which expresses the connection to the World Youth Day that will take place a few days later in Lisbon (1 – 6 August 2023). ), in a statement issued by the Decastri for the Laity, Family and Life, issued this Thursday, April 13, by the Press Office of the Holy See.

The theme of the WYD day “Mary got up and left in haste” (Luke 1:39) shows us, in fact, the little Mary who suggested the visit of her cousin Elizabeth and loudly proclaimed, in the Magnificat, the strength of the alliance between the young and the old.

On the occasion of this day, the Holy Father will preside over a Eucharistic celebration in Saint Peter’s Basilica and will invite parishes, dioceses, associations and ecclesiastical groups from all over the world to celebrate the day in their pastoral context. .

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Vatican Radio – Vatican News listened to the Secretary of the Laity, Family and Life Department, Professor Gleeson de Paula Souza, a Brazilian from Minas Gerais, speak to us on the subject (listen in full by pressing above).