Posted on 4/13/2020 4:04 PM
(Credit: reproduction/article/New Testament Studies)
Research published in March uncovered a “hidden chapter” hidden within a 1,750-year-old translation. The Syriac language chapter is hidden under three layers of text in a manuscript, where it can only be seen through ultraviolet (UV) images. The study has been published in the journal New Testament Studies. To read the full study, just access this link.
Researchers have discovered that this is an interpretation passage from the twelfth chapter of Matthew. The document was studied by the medieval scholar of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW), Gregory Kessel – who was able to discover and make legible the words of the text, one of the first translations made in the 3rd century and copied in the 6th century from parchment (a writing material used in ancient times ancient, such as the Middle Ages).
Vetus Syra, or Old Syriac Version is the oldest Syriac version (c. 3c) of the Four Gospels. Two major manuscripts are known (both, unfortunately, incomplete), the Curetonianus and Sinaiticus. # Syria # Manuscripts #retweet # Angel
– Gregory Kessel (@grigory_kessel) March 8, 2023
The medieval scholar explains that material in Syriac is extremely scarce. “Until recently,” he says, “only two manuscripts were known to contain the Old Syriac translation of the Gospels.”
Thus, one of them is in the British Library in London and the other was discovered in St. Catherine’s Monastery on Mount Sinai.
The text offers some differences between the translations, for example, while the original Greek of Matthew 12, verse 1 says: “At that time Jesus was passing through the cornfields on the Sabbath day; and his disciples were hungry and began to gather ears of grain and eat.”[…] He began to pluck the ears, rub them in his hands and eat them.
* Trained under Ronayre Nunes
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