Apple CEO Tim Cook’s revenue is expected to grow by 569% in 2021, according to a study by consultancy Equilar – AFP.
According to a study by Consultancy Equilar, salaries for leading directors in the top 100 companies in the United States will grow by an average of 31% by 2021, but some will exceed that level: 569% for Apple’s CEO and 65% for Apple’s CEO. Goldman socks.
In terms of salaries, premiums and stock options, the consulting firm recalled that its earnings fell by 2% by 2020, the year of the epidemic.
In 2021, these executives earned an average of $ 20 million. Intel director Patrick Kelsinger ($ 178 million) topped the list.
Apple’s Tim Cook follows $ 99 million; Broadcom’s Hawk Don 61 million and Microsoft’s Satya Nadella 50 million.
“There may be a strong increase in salaries as many companies decide to reward their managers with awards and share bonuses for leading their companies through turbulent times and stimulating revenue growth,” the company explains.
Thus, CEOs of companies have earned an average of 254 times more employees than the average employee in 2021, up from 238 times in the previous year.
In turn, the average salary of employees in the same 100 companies increased by 4% to $ 71,869.
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