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The SP government launches a user satisfaction survey at SUS São Paulo

The SP government launches a user satisfaction survey at SUS São Paulo

The action taken by the Ombudsman of the State Department of Health will evaluate the regional structure of health services in the State network

Secretary of State L health Eleusis Paiva, from São Paulo, announced on Tuesday (12), during the 3D Cabinet in Piracicaba, the start of research on service user satisfaction in the Unified Health System (SUS) of the state. The questions, which were first asked via WhatsApp from the SES Ombudsman’s Office, will analyze the perception of SUS patients residing in the state who underwent hospitalization between November 2022 and April 2023, thus assessing the regional structuring of health services in the network.

On the first day of filming, letters will be sent to patients in the city of São Paulo and the Piracicaba district, within São Paulo. The remaining regions of the state will be included gradually until September 27.

“The research aims to find out whether patients were treated close to their homes and to find out the quality of care. We need to determine whether people are getting good service in the unified health system, and whether the quality of the facility in which care was provided is sufficient. If Help the person during this six-month period, he will receive the survey,” informed Paiva.

A preliminary analysis identified three groups within the group of more than 1 million people who used SUS services during the observed period: those who received care in their area of ​​residence, those who received care in neighboring areas and those who received care in health units outside their health area. These categories represent approximately 70%, 20%, and 7% of the total population served, respectively. About 25,000 users, who fit these profiles, were selected with the help of artificial intelligence (AI), ensuring a representative sample of the total.

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The survey has a reliability level of 95%, a margin of error of 2%, and meets all requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (LGPD), protecting citizens from misuse of their personal data. The four questions, sent in an automated manner, also using artificial intelligence, focus on assessing the specific hospitals where the patient was treated, the state services available in the respondent’s municipality of residence, the waiting time and the distance traveled to receive care. It is expected that 25,000 patients will be interviewed in the first phase of the research. A report analyzing the responses will be prepared by technical teams from the state health department.

The Ombudsman’s official WhatsApp account has been verified through the platform itself, ensuring that users can confirm the origin of messages received, through the number (11) 3066-8800. Only individuals registered in the SUS/SP databases will have access to the survey, providing assurance of participation and the quality of the data obtained. It is also possible to verify the validity of the research in a newsletter on the Ministry of Health website (saude.sp.gov.br).