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The sisters from Decherto IV perform a small dance to honor Cara de Sabato, banished from reality;  Web criticizes and points out the contrast against Domitila: “Mico”

The sisters from Decherto IV perform a small dance to honor Cara de Sabato, banished from reality; Web criticizes and points out the contrast against Domitila: “Mico”


Allen, Larissa, Bruna Griffaue and Amanda Do a “Dance” at Deserto IV to Honor Fighter, Sexual Harassment Investigation Against Dania Mendes

the sisters dance to honor Cara de Sabato;  Domitilla is constantly criticized by them
© Reproduction / Globothe sisters dance to honor Cara de Sabato; Domitilla is constantly criticized by them

Aline Wirley, Larissa, Bruna Griphao, and Amanda caused controversy Wednesday afternoon (29) at BBB 23. The quartet did a little dance at Desirto IV as a tribute to Cara de Sabato, Expelled from the program and a criminal investigation After allegedly committing sexual harassment against Dania Mendez a few weeks ago.

This is Sabato’s move. This one is for the bootAmanda said, followed by the other three choreographing. The scene caught the attention of many netizens on Twitter, the audience’s favorite platform for commenting on the reality show: Most of them addressed the discrepancy between the speech in which the four attack Domitila and the speech of Barros but endorse someone expelled on suspicion in committing a crime against a woman.

Shoe Boots – Photo: Instagram @caradesapato

Someone said, “Sabatinho, the pure angel, the ‘good’ boy, the pure heart. The Donduque saw no problem with Sabato’s offense, but if they could, they would burn Dumitilla in the public square for a few lines,” said the person. Another said: “What a miko, what a shame.” Another commented, “Sabato harassed and harassed a woman, committed a crime live on open TV, and they dance a bit and applaud as if nothing happened.” “The white feminist Larissa and her colleagues remained with God, right? They crucified Domitilla for sayings she regretted, but I think it’s cool to do some harasser dancingAnother lamented.

Sapato Face and MC Guimê They were expelled from BBB 23 After being accused of sexually harassing the guest participant, who came directly from Mexico to participate in an exchange program on the Brazilian reality show. Both were heard by the police in Rio de Janeiro and may be responding to the crime of sexual harassment.

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