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The seventh episode is about seeking education for people over 60 – UFLA

The seventh episode is about seeking education for people over 60 – UFLA


Episode 7 is about people over the age of 60 seeking education

On the air is the seventh episode of Podcast Ciência em Prosa 60+, an audio program to talk to audiences over 60 years old about scientific issues present in their daily lives. Titled “Are you still old enough to study? In and out of school environment, education for people over 60 is full of possibilities”, this episode deals with the search for new knowledge in old age. Learning to read and write and graduating from university are achievements that are increasingly becoming a reality among people over the age of 60. But is there an age limit for returning to school? What are the possibilities for learning outside the school environment?

The prose is based on the story of two Angelas: Angela Aparecida Mendonça, a resident of Lavras (MG), who completes the Education for Youth and Adults (EJA), and Angela Iglesias, from São Bernardo do Campo (SP), who experienced an educational experience on her own. Also participating in the conversation is Professor Eliasaf Rodrigues de Assis, who has a degree in Social Sciences and Education, and researches the educational practices of young people and adults, especially in non-school settings.

‌The Ciência em Prosa 60+ podcast is a monthly program produced by the Directorate of Communications of the Federal University of Lavras (Dcom/UFLA), with the support of the Minas Gerais State Research Support Foundation (Fapemig).

Episodes are available on the main audio platforms and social networks where UFLA is present, as well as broadcast on Rádio Universitária 105.7 FM and on video platforms, such as YouTube.

To participate in the podcast, simply submit questions that science can answer, and we’ll look for UFLA professors who can participate in the conversation.

Questions should be sent via WhatsApp: (35) 9 9806-4531.

Listen to the full episodes at the links below:





Directorate of Production Communications (Dcom) • Support institution for research support in the state of Minas Gerais (Fapemig) • Responsible for the production of Podcast Ciência em Prosa 60+ Gláucia Mendes • Presentation Eder Spuri, Gláucia Mendes • Text Eder Spuri, Gláucia Mendes • Audio capture and therapy Marcio Verissimo • Editing by Eder Spoerri • Graphic and audio-visual planning Eder Spoerri, Heider Alvarenga • Graphic arts Eder Spoerri • Production support Marcos Araujo, Mayara Mesquita, Sergio Augusto • Interviewees Eliasav Rodriguez de Assis, Angela Aparecida Mendonça, Angela Iglesias • Anish Parker Track – Logo Intro Audio (Particle Logo and Company Logo Intro), Sangria – Said Beside • Pexels Images, Rodnae Productions, Kampus Production, Cottonbro, Arthouse Studio, Ron Lach, Pavel Danilyuk, Pixabay