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The second FAPDF Prize for Science, Technology and Innovation encourages research

The second FAPDF Prize for Science, Technology and Innovation encourages research

With the aim of encouraging and appreciating research and technology development work that has benefited the population of the Federal District, the Federal District Research Support Foundation (FAPDF) launched, in April this year, Announcing the second FAPDF Prize for Science, Technology and Innovation. Entries may be entered between April 13th and September 1st FAPDF One System.

The intended audience for the award is researchers, high school students, start-ups, communications professionals, FAPDF employees, scholarship holders, and GovTech initiatives. The Foundation will make R$157,000 available to the winners of prizes ranging from R$2,000 to R$8,000. Only categories reserved for civil servants will receive honors and honours, rather than monetary awards.

Business can be entered between April 13th and September 1st. The selection phase will be from September 4th to October 3rd. The final result will be announced on the 20th of October and the award ceremony will be held on the 1st of November.

“The purpose of the award is to motivate and ensure that science, technology and innovation actions are recognized by the Government of the Federal District (GDF) through the FAP. We also promote projects and want them to have space in the media to talk about their initiatives and compete for national and international awards,” he says. says Gilmar Marquez, Technology and Innovation Coordinator (Cooti) at FAPDF.


The award aims to legitimize up to 20 laureates – last year, 14 scholars were honored – divided into eight categories. They are: Distinguished Researcher, Innovative Scholar, Distinguished Student, Innovative Start-up, Communications Professional, Distinguished Servant, GovTech Initiative and Science and Technology Junior Fellow with FAPDF Scholarships.

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The received works will be selected by a selection committee, made up of internal and external FAPDF professionals. The selection phase will be from September 4th to October 3rd. The final result will be announced on the 20th of October and the award ceremony will be held on the 1st of November.

Application for all classes must be made by completing the Enrollment Form, available in the FAPDF One system, and fulfilling the requirements set out in the public notice according to the class. You must complete all fields in the form and attach the required documents. Supplementary information, questions, etc. should be sent to [email protected].


Winners of the previous cycle of the award | Photo: Disclosure/FAPDF

Distinguished Researcher category
(subcategories: life sciences, exact sciences, and humanities)

→ First Place: Certificate and 8 thousand Brazilian riyals
→ Second Place: Certificate and 4,000 Brazilian Reals
→ Third Place: Certificate and 2000 Brazilian Reals

Innovative researcher class
(Subcategories: innovation for the productive sector and innovation for the public sector)

→ First Place: Certificate and 8 thousand Brazilian riyals
→ Second Place: Certificate and 4,000 Brazilian Reals
→ Third Place: Certificate and 2000 Brazilian Reals

Distinguished Student Category

→ First Place: Certificate and 5,000 Brazilian Reals
→ Second Place: Certificate and 3,000 Brazilian Reals
→ Third Place: Certificate and 2000 Brazilian Reals

Innovative startups category
(subcategories: accelerated startup and non-accelerated startup)

→ CEO of Accelerated Startup: R$12,000
→ CEO of a non-accelerated startup: R$8,000

category of communications professionals

→ First Place: Certificate and 8 thousand Brazilian riyals
→ Second Place: Certificate and 4,000 Brazilian Reals
→ Third Place: Certificate and 2000 Brazilian Reals

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Science and Technology scholarship category with FAPDF scholarships
(subcategories: life sciences, exact sciences, and humanities)

→ First Place: Certificate and 6 thousand Brazilian riyals
→ Second Place: Certificate and 3,000 Brazilian Reals
→ Third Place: Certificate and 2000 Brazilian Reals

Privileged server class

→ Honored with a certificate

GovTech initiative category

→ Decoration of up to three GovTech.

*With information from FAPDF