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The “Science in Community” project disseminates scientific knowledge in rural and riverside schools in Itacutiara

The “Science in Community” project disseminates scientific knowledge in rural and riverside schools in Itacutiara

Photo: Reveal/Samantha Aquino Pereira Collection

Knowledge dissemination is one of the strategies of the Amazonas government, through the Amazonas State Research Support Foundation (Fapeam), to expand access to scientific culture in rural and riverside communities. In this context, there is the project “Science in Society: Spreading Scientific Knowledge to Riverine and Rural School Students”, supported by the Program to Support the Mainstreaming of Science, Technology and Innovation (POP CT&I).

The event, scheduled to be held from October 24 to 30, aims to disseminate experiments, demonstrations and educational games in the fields of physics, chemistry and biology in rural and riverside communities to students of primary school II. The project is coordinated by Assistant Professor at the Institute of Exact Sciences and Technology of the Federal University of Amazonas – Itacuatiara Campus (Icet/Ufam), Samantha Aquino Pereira.

The measure will be implemented in the municipal schools Antônio de Araujo Costa (Santo Antônio Community), Moases de Menezes (Jacarezinho Community), and Coronel Gonzaga Pinheiro (Bequia Community), all in the municipality of Itacutiara (176 kilometers from Manaus).

According to the coordinator, the sixth and seventh grade students of the second primary stage will conduct some scientific experiments and presentations, and the eighth and ninth grade students will participate in educational games. Experiments and games will cover content from the areas of biology, chemistry, and physics. In addition, there will also be an exhibit of aquatic creatures and a collection of terrestrial invertebrates in the outdoor area, open to the community.

“Through this event, we hope to get active participation from students, teachers and communities in the proposed activities, motivate teachers to conduct classes with low-cost experiments, to stimulate scientific thinking in students and awaken the scientific culture of students and teachers in rural schools,” added Samantha Pereira, highlighting On the importance of Fapeam as a supporter of the project.

Photo: Reveal/Samantha Aquino Pereira Collection

Three professors from the Icet Institute are also participating in the project: Fabiana Paschwal and Anderson Trindade (chemistry), Wagner Gomez Rodriguez (physics) and Gustavo Hattori (biology).

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The POP CT&I program encourages and supports the holding of science popularization events, primarily in the interior regions of the state of Amazonas, by financing the production and distribution of educational materials to democratize knowledge production in science, technology and innovation, and to promote state science. Technology Week/2023 and Amazonas’ Public ST&I Policy.

Discover the agenda of scientific events supported by the Government of Amazonas, through Fapeam, via the Programs Support for Scientific and Technological Events in the State of Amazonas (Parev) and POP CT&I at: https://www.fapeam.am.gov.br/programacao-de-eventos-cientificos-e-tecnologicos-apoiados-pela-fapeam/