Within the framework of preparatory activities Fifth National Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation (CNCTI)The free conference “The Role of INCTs in the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation (SNCTI)” was held on 23 and 24 January 2024 in Rio de Janeiro.
The activity was coordinated by Helena is rare that it De Andrade is imprisonedrespectively, President and Vice-President of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC), and the aim was to bring together the group of coordinators of the National Institutes of Science and Technology (INCTs), included in the INCT Call – MCTI/CNPq/CAPES/ Labor Law No. 16/2014.
On this occasion, the priority issues of these institutes were discussed, with the aim of formulating a message that will be presented during the Fifth Congress of the CNCTI. The document should explain the role of INCTs in the national science, technology and innovation system, highlighting the work and achievements of these institutes, which are organized into national and/or international scientific cooperation networks, involving researchers from the most diverse fields and developing projects. It has a high scientific impact, in addition to training human resources.
INCT coordinators met in the auditorium of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC), in Rio de Janeiro. Image: Askom ABC.
Among the priority points presented by INCT coordinators is the continuity of the pilot institutes and ensuring their maintenance until a new notification is issued. In this regard, the coordinators also called for the extension of scholarships scheduled to expire next October, in order to ensure that research is carried out until the end of the current version of the program. Another point highlighted was the retention of young talent, which suggests the development of strategies that can ensure the retention of these newly graduated researchers. Finally, a recurring theme in the coordinators' discourse was the issue of dialogue with society, and the importance of thinking about science dissemination and communication strategies that explain the work of INCTs and bring them closer to the population.
On the second day of the event, Live broadcast on ABC YouTubeThe panel discussion on CT&I: Present and Future was held in the presence of Mercedes Bustamante, President of Capes, Ricardo Galvão, President of CNPq, Renato Jeanine Ribeiro, President of SBPC, Gerson Lima, President of Faperj (representing Confap) and Carlos Aragão, Director of Scientific and Technological Development ( DRCT) in Finep. CNPq President, Ricardo Galvão, informed that there will be an evaluation of INCTs in the first half of 2024, including the presentation of projects and products, culminating in an in-person event with residents Dedicated. Furthermore, Galvão indicated the launch of a new notice, possibly this year. Investments for the program are also guaranteed, according to Finep representative Carlos Aragão, in the amount of approximately R$200 million annually over the next five years.
Panel Discussion on CT&I: Present and Future. Photo: Caroline D'Souza.
Also on the second day, an overview of the organization of the Fifth National Congress (2023) was given, under the theme “Science, Technology and Innovation for a Fair, Sustainable and Advanced Brazil”. The person in charge of the presentation was the teacher Anderson Stevens Leonidas Gomez (CGEE and INCT Coordinator), who pointed out that the INCTs meeting is the first free conference of the event – on February 26 there will be an event at CNPQ about the programme, also within the scope of the 5th Conference. Gomez stressed the importance of the INCT team’s participation in proposing conference activities.
Finally, there was a new round of interventions from the coordinators about the future of the program. National Coordinator of the INCT Urban Observatory, Luiz Cesar de Queiroz RibeiroIt was proposed to produce a publication highlighting the contribution of each INCT to the debate on scientific and technological development, in the current context of the country. The second point highlighted by Ribeiro is the participation of institutes in building the debate on national development, so that the discussion is not limited exclusively to the economic issue, given that the purely economic vision mobilizes interests and actors who are not necessarily committed to national development. The country's urgent agenda.
National Coordinator of the INCT Observatory for Major Cities, Luiz César de Queiroz Ribeiro, during the INCTs event.
Professor Gilson de Andrade, Vice President of ABC, concluded the activities by informing that it will be necessary to strengthen conversations with CNPq, regarding the latest resources contributed and the deadline for their application, taking into account that the current version of the program should be closed this year. Coordinators should internally determine the formation of a small committee to represent the national ICT teams in these discussions with the development agency.
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