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The researcher says science needs to look more at women who travel alone

The researcher says science needs to look more at women who travel alone

Traveling as a woman is a huge challenge. There are issues with safety, hygiene, and bodily functions, such as the menstrual cycle. With this in mind, researcher Irmgard Bauer, of James Cook University, said, wrote an article A more careful look at this issue is required by travel medicine organizations.

Bauer said that while most of the travelers are women, there is still a distinct lack of knowledge on the subject. “Research on women in travel medicine is relatively sparse and their views and experiences on many related issues appear to be completely neglected,” she said in a note.

In the article, the specialist analyzed three main aspects: personal hygiene management, bodily functions and sexual behavior; special requirements of women with regard to safety and security; And how women traveling can contribute to reducing any potential harm to humans and the environment.

“Many of the issues discussed are of interest to all travelers, but many of them will be of greater interest to novice travelers and those traveling to less developed, rural, remote or wild areas, or planning short- or long-term volunteering in primitive conditions,” Bauer explained. According to her, these organizations should create directories that can be posted online and accessed by anyone.

The researcher also provided some tips regarding transportation safety. are they:

  • Avoid night trips.
  • Arrange in advance a transfer from the airport to your hotel;
  • Use of licensed taxis (and find out what they look like);
  • Sit behind the driver
  • make a “call” in the taxi to let you know that you will be arriving soon;
  • Pay the taxi while you are in the car;
  • On public transport, sit near women;
  • See advice from other women on social media sites and groups.
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