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The researcher discovers flaws in the Wi-Fi standard that have been around for more than 20 years

The researcher discovers flaws in the Wi-Fi standard that have been around for more than 20 years

researcher safety Mathy Vanhoef has identified several flaws in the Wi-Fi standard – with some flaws present since 1997 – for more than 20 years. Moreover, in his presentation of how hackers can exploit these vulnerabilities, he made it all clear Routers Wireless devices are affected by one or more of them.

The specialist described the method for exploiting defects as “FragAttacks”, a method of combining the words “Fragmentation” and “Aggregation”. According to the researcher, the defects of the Wi-Fi standard can be exploited by bad actors in stealing sensitive information, remote controlling computers and connected devices, and even practicing online fraud, while displaying fake pages even if users are. They were using the WPA2 or WPA3 security protocols.

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Manhoef showed his results in the video below:

Thankfully, Manhoef has already alerted the Wi-Fi Alliance, the entity that sets standards for wireless communication between devices, and has been working on updates for years to solve the issues. Some manufacturers of routers, such as MicrosoftLenovo CiscoAnd Netgear and Samsung have already created their patches as well.

Returning to the flaws, Manhoef mentions no fewer than a dozen attacks that could endanger your network, each in its own way: one targets routers that store data temporarily on certain types of networks, while the other searches for routers that accept files from text during an exchange. traffic movement. There are even flaws that rely exclusively on WEP security protocols, which attest to the lifetime of some of these issues.

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The researcher said he found no use of Wi-Fi flaws in his survey, but stressed that while some of these flaws require more advanced technical knowledge, others are relatively easy to exploit.

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