The participation of women and girls in science will be the focus of a public hearing promoted by State Rep. Devanidi Basilio and Moussoro Councilor Marlaide Cunha, both PT-RNs.
The meeting will be held next Friday (14) at Moussoro City Hall, and aims to discuss the importance of including women in the scientific sector, both for social justice and scientific progress.
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The audience will highlight the importance of gender equality in science as an essential vector for progress and innovation in research.
“Diversity is the fuel of innovation. When women bring their perspectives to science, they open doors to discoveries that reflect a broader range of experiences and needs,” highlights proposed advisor Marlaide Cunha.
In turn, Representative Devanidi Basilio said: “It is fundamentally important to see women in prominent positions in science, because this inspires new generations. The cycle of stereotypes has been broken and a future has been built in which girls see science as a horizon of possibilities.
The hearing is open to the public and will be attended by representatives of the research departments of UERN and UFERSA, and students from the Basic Education Network of Mossoro and the region.
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