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The project supported by Fapeam was highlighted at an event of the Ministry of Science and Technology

The project supported by Fapeam was highlighted at an event of the Ministry of Science and Technology

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Photo: Eriko Xavier/Fabim
Photo: Eriko Xavier/Fabim

The project came through dialogues between NEPA, UNESCO and the United Nations

The “Girls in Astronomy – Science Small Start” project, devised by the Center for Teaching and Research in Astronomy (NEPA), with the support of the Research Support Foundation of the State of Amazonas (FABIM), has gained national acclaim from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations (MCTI), this Wednesday (29/09), during the POP Science MCTI event, which took place in the Floriano Pacheco Auditorium, at the headquarters of the Manaus Free Trade Zone (Suvrama).

The event, which was promoted by the ministry, was attended by current astronaut Marcos Cesar Pontes, NEPA General Coordinator, Nelio Sasaki, and Soframa Director, Aljacir Antonio Bolsen, among other representatives of government agencies in Amazonas, and was intended to showcase the key actions of the federal government in the thousand days. past.

“The reinforcement of the actions encouraged by Fapeam made the state of Amazonas with the largest number of mobile planetariums in the northern region. The encouragement for these actions promoted by the Foundation culminated in the introduction of planetariums in Manaus and the municipality of Barentin (369 kilometers from Manaus)”, explained the General Coordinator Lanepa, Nelio Sasaki.

16-year-old Rani Dantas, a first-year high school student and a participant in Girls in Astronomy, highlighted the importance of the project, mainly because it encouraged girls to enter the field of science, more specifically in astronomy. .

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“This moment of appreciation becomes even more important as I encourage other girls my age, or even younger, to be part of a proposal that encourages us girls and women to move into the field of exact sciences. For example, I have been motivated by my teachers and friends who are curious about Astronomy. Today, they constantly ask me what it feels like to experience this area and I say it is a pleasure to be involved in the fields previously practiced by the boys.”

Student Idla Dooley, 15, who is also a first-year high school student, emphasized that it is not only important to focus on astronomy and what is related to it, but female participation is essential. “This project motivates me every day. I learn about many areas of astronomy that I did not know existed before, and with every step I take, I am more interested in pursuing a career,” the student continued.

Started – As noted by Nelio Sasaki, the project came about through dialogues between NEPA, UNESCO and the United Nations. Between one conversation and another, the United Nations highlighted the importance of more inclusive global action, and UNESCO supplemented it with data, showing the picture of women’s participation in science. With this in mind, NIPA has implemented Research Initiation Modules – aimed at junior researchers, through the digital platform AVAUEA.

“In the context of respect and appreciation for women, Girls in Science comes up with this idea of ​​inclusion, proposing re-education for greater female participation at any level of education. We need to understand that our women deserve respect in all places, no matter what region they want exercise,” the NEPA General Coordinator confirmed.

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samples – The following events were also presented at the event: a rocket show from the Brazilian space program; Workshop on asteroid hunting program. Satellite and missile folding workshop. pet bottle rocket launch workshop; Presentation of new projects classified for the second phase of the Brazilian Satellite Olympics (Obsat); MCTI Futuro Program and Medal Award at the MCTI Science Olympics 2020.

further qualification – During the event, Marcos Pontes highlighted the deliveries that will be made to the Nordic region, as support and encouragement in the training process to qualify youth and women in the fields of science, technology and innovation.

Among the deliveries, 50 remote labs will be deployed across the Amazon region, which will be taught by scientists who will work on biodiversity, biological activities, sustainable development, and biomes; The Brasil Futuro Program, which will create 40,000 vacancies to train young professionals to work in technology; In addition to the Women’s Innovative Program, to encourage girls’ interest in careers in science, robotics and entrepreneurship.

A country that lacks science, technology and innovation is a country that is at the mercy of other developed countries. The Minister concluded that the North region is one of the most important regions on the planet, which should be used primarily for biotechnology.”

Pictures: Eriko Xavier / Fabim