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The project outlines the presentation of acupuncture and homeopathy at SUS – Geral

The project outlines the presentation of acupuncture and homeopathy at SUS – Geral

SUS already adopts acupuncture and homeopathy but the offer of treatments depends on the municipality manager

(Photo: publicity)

The goal of PL 2609/2022 is to ensure the broad introduction of homeopathy and acupuncture into the Unified Health System, by Senator Marcos de Val (Podemos-ES). The proposal specifies the inclusion of these therapeutic resources based on traditional knowledge in the SUS Schedule of Procedures and Services edited by the Ministry of Health.

Acupuncture is a Chinese technique that consists of inserting fine needles into specific points on the body for therapeutic purposes, especially in the treatment of pain. Homeopathy is a comprehensive specialty that focuses treatment on the patient, not the disease.

Since 2006, the Ministry of Health has been regulating the accreditation of acupuncture, homeopathy and other integrative and complementary practices in SUS, but the senator asserts that the provision of these treatments depends on the discretion of the municipal director.

“After the various health and management developments that SUS has made since its inception, we know that public health continues to suffer from many bottlenecks in patient care, since many do not have access to the care necessary for adequate recovery of their health, although many do not Even high cost or complexity,” the senator points out.

According to the Ministry of Health, integrative and complementary practices exist in approximately 54% of Brazilian municipalities, spread across 27 states, the Federal District and all Brazilian capitals.

The proposal is awaiting submission to the thematic committees of the Senate