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The presidents of Uruguay and Chile criticize Lula for defending the Venezuelan regime |  The National Gazette

The presidents of Uruguay and Chile criticize Lula for defending the Venezuelan regime | The National Gazette

The presidents of Uruguay and Chile criticized Lula for defending the Venezuelan regime

In addition to Lula, Nicolás Maduro is from Venezuela. Chan Santokhi from Suriname; Luis Lacalle Poe from Uruguay; Irfan Ali from Guyana; Guillermo Laso, Ecuador; Mario Abdo Benitez, Paraguay; Gabriel Boric from Chile; Luis Arce from Bolivia. Alberto Fernandez from Argentina. and Gustavo Petro from Colombia.

Alberto Otarola, President of the Council of Ministers of Peru, represented the country. President Dina Boulwart is facing an institutional crisis that has prevented her from leaving Lima.

This meeting is the first step in the search for a consensus that will unite the countries of the region on common priorities. President Lula, who promoted the meeting, began by proposing integration in ten areas: common currency, economy, regulation, cooperation modernization, infrastructure, environment, health, energy, education and defense.

The single currency will be a monetary reference for South America, which will replace the dollar in commercial transactions.

In the environment, the idea is to have coordinated actions between countries. In the field of health, Lula proposes the reactivation of the South American Institute of Government in Health, in order to adopt measures to expand vaccination coverage and help the populations most in need and indigenous peoples.

The presidents of Uruguay and Chile criticize Lula for defending the Venezuelan regime – Image: Jornal Nacional/Resuscitation

Lula also proposed a period of 120 days for the continent’s governments to define a new design for regional integration.

“We let ideologies divide us and interrupt integration efforts. We abandoned channels of dialogue and mechanisms of cooperation, and in doing so we all lost. Ladies and gentlemen, I am firmly convinced that we need to renew our commitment to South American integration. The elements that unite us are above ideological differences,” said the President of Brazil.

  • From a Common Currency to Student Mobility: Lula’s Ten Proposals in a Forum with South American Presidents

“Enough establishments. Let’s move on to the topic of Unasur. Let’s call things. When we received the government, we withdrew from Unassur. Then we got a call to Prosul and we said no. For something that many presidents have said here, chief among them is President Abdou, because otherwise we would end up becoming ideological clubs,” said Lakale-Bou.

Lacalle also criticized Lula’s speech, which on Monday (29) described criticism from most of the West about the lack of democracy and the authoritarianism of the Venezuelan government as a “narrative”.

Now, this meeting was preceded, I don’t know if it was planned or not, by a bilateral meeting between Brazil and Venezuela. And there’s a statement being negotiated at the moment, and I have a draft here. I, the President, must tell you that I was surprised when they said that what is happening in Venezuela is a narrative. You already know what we think about Venezuela and the Venezuelan government. Now, if there are so many groups in the world that are trying to mediate so that democracy is full in Venezuela, so that human rights are respected, so that there are no political prisoners, the worst thing we can do is block out the sun. finger,” Lakale Poe stated.

“We are happy that Venezuela is back in the multilateral forums, because we believe that it is in these places that problems are solved and not with declarations where we only attack each other. However, this does not mean leaving the shadows or overlooking issues that have concerned us from the beginning. I have respectfully stated that I I don’t agree with what President Lula said yesterday, in the sense that the human rights situation in Venezuela is a narrative construct. It’s not just a narrative construct. It’s a fact. This is serious. And I’ve had the opportunity to see it in the eyes and pain of the hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans who live in our country and who are demanding Also with a firm and clear attitude of respect that human rights must be respected always and everywhere, regardless of the political color of the current ruler.

The meeting ended with the signing of a letter of intent. Among other points, the group reaffirmed “the shared vision that South America constitutes a region of peace and cooperation, based on dialogue and respect for the diversity of our peoples, committed to democracy and human rights.”

In a press conference, President Lula spoke about the completion of the work and was asked about the criticism he had received from the Presidents of Uruguay and Chile. Lula said disagreements are part of this type of meeting and he insisted on the argument that there is a global narrative against Venezuela.

“So, what I said to Maduro is that there is a narrative in the world that Venezuela does not have democracy and that he made mistakes. I told him it was his duty to build his narrative with real facts. I think Venezuela deserves respect and only with people who demand respect and action can we strengthen the democratic process in Venezuela This meeting was not called here by a group of Lula’s friends, the heads of state of South America were invited to discuss the possibility of building a multilateral body capable of giving organic intensity to our relations with other economic blocs, he said.

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