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The Pope to the Charismatic Renewal: Be Builders of Communion

The Pope to the Charismatic Renewal: Be Builders of Communion

“The Holy Spirit, welcomed into the heart and life, can only open, move, and release; The Spirit always prompts us to convey the Gospel and to come up with our inexhaustible imagination. It is up to us to be obedient and cooperate with Him, never forgetting that the first revelation is made through our witness of life! What is the point of reciting long prayers and singing beautiful hymns if we cannot be patient with others?” Francis told members of the Italian National Council of Charismatic Renewal

Manuel Tavares/Raymundo de Lima – Vatican News

Listen to the voice of Pope Francis and participate

On Saturday morning, the twentieth, His Holiness the Pope received, in the Council Hall at the Vatican, 85 members of the National Council for the Renewal in the Holy Spirit, the Italian Charismatic Renewal.

In his speech, welcoming the members of the Council and those united in this ecclesiastical movement, the Pope noted that in recent years he has promoted CHARIS, the International Service for Catholic Charismatic Renewal. Most recently, last November, he had the opportunity to meet with the participants of the meeting organized by the CHARIS Foundation, and encouraged them to continue on the company's path and consider their recommendations.

Today, Francisco, addressing in particular those responsible for the movement at the national level, wanted to share with them a pastoral vision of his presence and ministry.

Prayer service

First, His Holiness the Pope thanked God for the goodness that renewal groups are sowing among God’s holy and faithful people. Simple and cheerful spirituality also helps. Next, think about two specific aspects of movement life:Prayer service“, especially for worship; it is”Missionary serviceRegarding the first aspect, he said:

“The charismatic movement, by its very nature, gives space and focus to prayer, especially prayer of praise, which is very important. In a world dominated by a culture of ownership and efficiency, and in a Church that is sometimes concerned with organization – pay attention to this! We must give more space to gratitude, praise, and amazement at God’s grace.

Therefore, he urged the members of the Charismatic Council to continue serving the Church, and in particular to strengthen it Worship prayer: A worship in which silence prevails, and where the word of God prevails over our words; In short, a worship in which God is truly the center and not us.

The Pope’s meeting with members of the Italian National Council for Charismatic Renewal (Vatican Media)

The Pope’s meeting with members of the Italian National Council for Charismatic Renewal (Vatican Media)

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Missionary service

After this first aspect of service to “a prayer“Francisco II suggested: Service.”Evangelism“, which is part of the DNA of the Charismatic movement:

“The Holy Spirit, welcomed into the heart and life, can only open, move, and release; The Spirit always prompts us to convey the Gospel and to come up with our inexhaustible imagination. It is up to us to be obedient and cooperate with Him, never forgetting that the first revelation was made through our witness of life! “What is the point of reciting long prayers and singing beautiful songs if we do not have patience with others… Tangible acts of charity and anonymous service are always evidence of our declaration.”

Therefore, “prayer and evangelization” are part of the movement’s charisma and history. But the successor of Peter also has charisma: ““Communication”Through it, its members establish: effective communion, above all, “with the bishops.” Thus, the renewed community remains in the service of the entire community, diocese and parish. The Pope also referred to communion “with other ecclesial truths, associations, movements and groups” through witness to brotherhood, mutual respect in diversity, cooperation in commitment to common initiatives and service to the People of God and in social issues. .

Be company builders, first and foremost, with each other

Finally, the Holy Father concluded his address to the members of the National Council for Renewal in the Spirit, urging them to be builders of communion, first among themselves, within the Movement, but also in parishes and dioceses.

The Pope’s meeting with members of the Italian National Council for Charismatic Renewal (Vatican Media)

The Pope’s meeting with members of the Italian National Council for Charismatic Renewal (Vatican Media)

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