The Vatican, 25 at all. 4:02/21 PM (ACIAt the opening ceremony of the seventy-fourth session of the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI), on May 24, Pope Francis asked Bishops To pay more attention to the training of seminarians. The Pope warned of “a very great danger, which is the error in the formation and mission of seminarians.” He expressed his regret, “because many times we saw seminarians who looked good, but they were rigid. Toughness is not a good spirit, there are other problems behind the inertia.”
The Pope commented on the cases of seminarians who were admitted without sufficient information after leaving other parishes and parishes. When mentioning a message from the Dean of the Congregation for the Clergy on priestly formation, the Holy Father warned: “We cannot play with the young people who come to the seminary.”
Upon arriving at the hotel in Rome where the assembly is taking place, the Pope presides over a prayer in which all attendees summon the Holy Spirit. Then, the President of the European Electoral Commission, Cardinal Gualtiero Passetti, thanked the Holy Father for attending the opening of the General Assembly, which would address on this occasion the theme: “Proclaiming the Gospel in Times of the New Birth – Starting a Synodal Journey”
Then the Pope addressed some of the bishops spontaneously and briefly addressed three topics: courts, seminaries and the synod.
Regarding the courts, the Holy Father said he was satisfied with the steps taken. The Pope also commented that the “visit of two judges” from the Roman Rota to the court is expected and that he had recently spoken with the dean about this issue.
Finally, the Pope spoke about the Synod. He commented that the Italian bishops “will start walking,” noting that “many things have happened since the first meeting in São Pedro until today.”
“Amnesia also occurs in the Commonwealth of Independent States,” the Pope said. “We forget what we did and go forward, and one of the things we forgot was the Florence conference, five years ago.” On the Holy Father, “the Synod a church The Italian language should be based on the Florence conference “because” the meeting in Florence is the legacy that must illuminate this moment. “
According to the Pope, “the Synod must start from the bottom up, in small communities, in parishes, and this will ask us for patience, and it will ask us to work, and it will make us talk to the people.”
Also check:
According to Pope Francis, these are the four pillars of the formation of good seminarians
– ACI Digital (acidigital) December 12, 2016
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