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The polar wave that hits Brazil has the world’s largest cold anomaly – National

The polar wave that hits Brazil has the world’s largest cold anomaly – National

(Photo: Twitter / reprodu
(foto: Twitter / reproduo)

Such as low temperatures that hit southern Brazil and caused snow in some areas of Santa Catarina as a result of a polar wave that brought the largest negative anomaly Free In the world outside polos games According to MetSul. According to the institute, there are no lower-than-average temperatures anywhere else on the planet as in central South America.

Low temperatures also reach Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. This Tuesday (29/6), Bom Jardim da Serra recorded -7.5°C, the lowest temperature of the year in Brazil.

The Northern Hemisphere also recorded temperatures outside the mean. While in the Arctic the temperature is 0.5 °C above average, in Antarctica the temperature is 3.2 °C below average. This contributes to the Northern Hemisphere being 0.5°C above average, while the Southern Hemisphere records 0.5°C below average. On Monday, Canada recorded the highest temperature in its history with 46 degrees Celsius.

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