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The partnership between Amazonas and Rio de Janeiro promotes science, technology and innovation actions between the two countries

The partnership between Amazonas and Rio de Janeiro promotes science, technology and innovation actions between the two countries

Scientific cooperation will support research and training for human resources

filming: Eriko Xavier / Fabim

To promote the development of cooperative projects between the states of Amazonas and Rio de Janeiro, a Memorandum of Understanding on Scientific Cooperation was signed on Monday (28/03) between Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas). Fapeam) and the Carlos Chagas Filho Foundation for Research Support in the State of Rio de Janeiro (Faperj).

The partnership between the two countries was signed by the directors of the two institutions, during the second symposium on integration and research, which was held at the Higher School of Technology of the State University of Amazonas (UEA).

For Fapeam Director Marcia Perales Mendes Silva, the partnership with Faperj will allow the strengthening of actions aimed at research, such as training of masters and doctors, in specific areas of interest and priority in the states of Amazonas and Rio Jan. The partnership will also provide conditions for holding joint events. He explained that “the two countries win, and the researchers win for the sake of the interaction of dialogue and the conditions that come from the partnership.”

Márcia Perales also said that the UEA partnership is essential in this context to promote actions for masters and doctors not only from the university, but from all over the Amazonas, in collaboration with professors and doctors from Rio de Janeiro.

The partnership will produce new programs and also promote existing programs. Through some of the Excellence Programs accredited by the Coordination of Higher Education Personnel Improvement (CCI), already located in Rio de Janeiro, we will be able to offer private tuition at both master’s and doctoral degrees. He stressed that we will have special classes here with the support of the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Rio de Janeiro, which has the same level of excellence.”

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Faperj president, Gerson Lima da Silva, participated in the online ceremony. On this occasion, he highlighted the importance of expanding interactions between Amparo institutions and the research infrastructures each country has, as well as allowing for the exchange of ideas.

“We have as a target we have this other opportunity for the wealth that is the Amazon, particularly in the state of Amazonas, and the possibility of developing a series of studies, many of which have already been done, but now with investments coming from different institutions. We are optimistic about the prospect of launching a series of actions and public notices” Faperj chief commented.

investments – The symposium promoted by UEA, through the Multi-User Center for Biomedical Phenomenology Analysis (CMABio/UEA), had the theme “Scientific Infrastructure in the State of Amazonas to Support Studies on Biodiversity in the Amazon and Its Use in Obtaining New Biopharmaceuticals” and brought together researchers and managers from Educational and research institutions in the country.

On this occasion, Fapeam Director, Marcia Perales, gave statements on the support for scientific and technological development in the state of Amazonas, carried out by the government of Amazonas, through the Foundation. From 2019 to 2022, more than 331 million R$ were invested, spread over 68 programs, among which 13 are unprecedented in Amazonas.

The programs support the development of research, technology and innovation, as well as the training of human resources from basic education to higher education.

In 2021 alone, Fabim supported 3,400 projects and 5,200 grants in 54 municipalities in Amazonas. Among the new initiatives launched are the Interior Support in Research and Innovation Program (PAS), exclusively to promote research in the interior of the state in strategic areas of economic, social and environmental development in Amazonas, and the Fapesp-Fapeam Program, aimed at collaborative efforts projects among researchers from Amazonas and Sao Paulo.

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“We had the opportunity to show how we were working under the auspices of the state government, explaining how Fapeam, as of 2019, began to occupy a strategic and priority space in the 2020/23 multi-year plan and also promote understanding of this and emphasized the importance of partnerships.”