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The official announcement of the end of Netflix

The official announcement of the end of Netflix

Netflix’s decision to stop operating in the country

Netflix It is one of the largest streaming platforms in the world and the proof of this is its more than 238 million subscribers spread around the world. Their platform works in almost all countries.

But Netflix has a policy that sticks to its principles. For example, if a country does not behave properly in terms of peace in relation to others, the company is careful to make it clear that it does not condone such a practice.

Netflix.  Photo: Reproduction/Internet
Netflix. Photo: Reproduction/Internet

Because it did not approve of Russia’s conflict with Ukraine, the company insisted on stopping work on Russian territory. According to information from the Poder 360 website, a company spokesman confirmed to Agence France-Presse that Russian subscribers will no longer be able to access the platform.

Netflix’s decision took effect on May 27, 2022, which is when the conflict broke out. Since the decision was issued, there has been no further news about whether the company has returned to work or not. It is known so far that the suspension continues.

It is worth noting that the company had announced in March 2022 the suspension of services in Russia. The company said in a statement: “Given the circumstances, we have decided to suspend our services in Russia.” On May 30, the giant company decided to close its activities.

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Netflix (cloning/internet)
Netflix (cloning/internet)

What did Russian subscribers do with the giant?

The Russians were not satisfied with Netflix’s initiative to suspend streaming in the country and insisted on suing the American giant. According to information from Veja, in the collective action, users are recovering the equivalent of $730,000 from the company, or about R$3.4 million, for moral damages.

The legal action was brought by Russian law firm Chernyshov, Lukoyanov and Partners, after at least 20 users joined. According to a statement issued by the Russian office, Netflix’s decision is considered a violation of the country’s consumer protection law. According to them, “Netflix has concluded a general contract with its subscribers, which does not stipulate the possibility of unilaterally terminating contractual obligations.”

Netflix (Image: Disclosure)

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