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The newspaper says that Britta Gill’s ex-husband is ending his relationship with the singer’s separation

The newspaper says that Britta Gill’s ex-husband is ending his relationship with the singer’s separation

Rodrigo Godoy cheated on Britta Gil with the singer’s designer

Image: reproduction

Rodrigo Godoy, Britta Gil’s ex-husband, is single. The character ended his relationship with Ingrid Lima and cheated on the singer. The two met when the designer was working for Gilberto’s daughter Gil.

According to the newspaper additional!, Rodrigo went live on his OnlyFans profile and announced that he is single. “I’m single. I’m there, quiet in my own life. I live my life there, the way I can live it. I don’t even think about these things. This is the real thing,” he declared.

During the broadcast, the person also responded to criticism for not posting intimate content on the platform: “I’m sorry to disappoint them. But putting nudes here is another way. I’m not interested in those things. There may be some things later, but really nudes, there won’t be “

At the beginning of the week, Britta Gill vented on social media, stating that her ex-husband and lover were “cruel, cold, Machiavellian and dirty.” The singer is recovering from surgery to remove a tumor in her intestine.

“That night I was suffering from insomnia and did not sleep. I spent the night thinking about the pain in my chest, thinking about how my ex-husband and his mistress were cruel, cold, Machiavellian and dirty to me. I cannot accept it. I have been married for 9 and a half years to a man like that?”

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“Oh God, help me get this feeling out of me. I’m doing everything, I swear I’m trying, I’m trying, but it hurts, hurts, hurts, hurts! Yes, I haven’t overcome much humility, explain to me how you overcome something,” she added. What heals quickly? “One day I’ll be ready to share all the dirt with you.”

Source: Redacao Terra

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