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The new Food Stamp Act provides for a fine of R,000;  know more

The new Food Stamp Act provides for a fine of R$50,000; know more

Federal government changed the rules that regulate buying and selling food character and food stamps. Since March, companies running these benefits have been prohibited from offering discounts to customers.

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In case of non-compliance with the rule, the company can be fined from R$5,000 to R$50,000. The change expected to avoid the increase in fees charged by supermarkets and restaurants as had been the case until then, while exempting the consumer from the financial impact.

Until the entry into the new rule, those buying with food stamps or food had to absorb the discounts given to employers. A managing company that gives benefits back may double the fine.

More changes

Provisional Action (MP) 1,108 / 2022 also brings other changes, such as the way tickets are used. Food vouchers and food vouchers can only be used for purchase food productsa rule that was looser until then.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (MTP) says the measure is aimed at preventing fraud. An operator who does not comply with the rule will block the feature.

In the case of institutions that accept these means of payment, it will no longer be possible to choose the brand of the card. Anyone who chooses to receive by means of a voucher will be obligated to accept any person without discrimination.

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