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The National Science and Technology Event is held at MT

The National Science and Technology Event is held at MT

this week , The third national week of science and technology At UFMT (Federal University of Mato Grosso), at CUA (University of Araguay Campus). There are 70 activities planned in Água Boa and Barra do Garças, broadcast on the event page.

The third edition is taking place this week in Agua Bois and Barra do Garsas. (Photo: Publicity | UFMT)

The comprehensive free program of lectures, talks, guided tours, workshops and other cultural activities started on the 26th and runs until 11 November and will reach students from 17 municipalities in the eastern region of Mato Grosso.

According to the Director of MuHNA (Museu de História Natural do Araguaia), Professor Márcia Pascotto, the National Science and Technology Week is being held throughout the country, and with the absorption of the event, which is happening for the first time at the state level, it will take scientific knowledge to municipalities located more than 300 kilometers away. from CUA.

In this sense, for Marcia, it is an opportunity for the general school to learn a little about the actions of UFMT professors, technicians and academics, which will contribute to encouraging young students to enter higher education at a public university.

Programming is done in two poles

Activities are free and include photography exhibitions, toy and game workshops, an exhibition on healthy eating and medicinal plants, a display of chemical experiments, and an exhibition of MuHNA’s animal and fossil collection, among other activities.

The event takes place on Friday (28) from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., at the Espaço Cultural, located on Avenida Norberto Schwantes, on the corner of Rua 15, in the Centro de Água Boa.

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In Barra do Garças and Pontal do Araguaia, CUA units, the event will take place November 7-11, between 8am and 10pm.