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The Museum of Science and Life opens the exhibition “Independence of Capukla”

The Museum of Science and Life opens the exhibition “Independence of Capukla”

In celebration of Baixada Day, this Friday (28/04), the Museum of Science and Life, in the Duque de Caxias, opens the exhibition “Independence of Caboclo – Limbs and Bicentenary”. The exhibition consists of paintings and display pieces, such as African masks and indigenous headdresses, and interactive pieces, such as musical instruments and handmade utensils. Visiting from Tuesday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm with free admission. The Museum of Science and Life is managed by the Cecierj Foundation, associated with the State Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation, and is located on Rua Aílton da Costa, s / nº, Jardim Vinte e Cinco de Agosto.

The exhibition was initially shown at the Museu Vivo do São Bento, also located in the Duque de Caxias, on the occasion of the bicentenary of Brazil’s independence. Rodrigo Soares Montero, one of the show’s organizers, explains.

Rodrigo, a geologist at the Museo Ciencia e Vida, participated in the guided course “Stories of the Ancestors”, at the Faculdade de Educação da Baixada Fluminense – UERJ, taught by Professor Nelson Bezerra, Curator together with Andrea Mendes, PhD in African History . With this connection, the partnership with the Living Museum of São Bento was resumed and it was possible to bring the exhibition “Independence of the Capucla”.

“The exhibition was conceived and elicited a shock of expectation in the audience, bringing with it an account of the process of independence. We hope to disseminate the questioning of colonial narratives and how the peripheral individual shapes our identity, an incomplete process of independence. In addition, we seek to expand networks of partnership and collaboration with other cultural agents in Baixada Fluminense, Rodrigo said.

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Exhibition “Independence Kabuklu – Parties and Bicentenary”

Opening: April 28 (Friday), 2 p.m

Location: Museum of Science and Life, Rua Aílton da Costa, s / nº, Jardim Vinte e Cinco de Agosto, Duque de Caxias

Visiting: Tuesday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm until July 2023

free entry