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The Municipal Council of Science, Technology and Innovation and the Department of Education are organizing a joint action to promote the “Espaço Maker” project

The Municipal Council of Science, Technology and Innovation and the Department of Education are organizing a joint action to promote the “Espaço Maker” project

The Municipal Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (CMCTI), associated with the Secretariat for Economic Development, Labor and Tourism (Sedettur), and the Secretariat for Education (Sedu) are organizing a joint work to train education professionals and monitor the “Espaço Maker” project, already under development in the municipal school system.

“Maker Space” consists of creating educational spaces in municipal schools, aimed at developing projects involving creativity, science and innovation. Building on a do-it-yourself culture, students, along with education professionals, will be able to experiment with these spaces and create new projects. This is made possible by the resources of the Schools Revolving Fund. The initiative provides for the implementation of these measures in 38 primary schools in the municipality’s network.

The idea is for the center to act as a project advisor, promoting events, training activities and reference studies to broaden the discussion on creativity, innovation and science in school units. To make the information accessible to all, an educational reference portal is being created.

Among those dismissed on the project is professor and CMCTI advisor Paulo Bruno Pestelli Rodriguez, who is also Sedu’s Director of Administrative Development. It talks about the council’s role in this initiative and its purpose. It concludes that “the work of CMCTI will be to encourage the participation of universities in Sorocaba and the productive sector, providing possibilities to combine knowledge and expertise produced by schools and other sectors of science and innovation”.

Flávio Mania, a professor at the Federal Institute of São Paulo (IFSP) in Itapetininga and a master’s student at Unicamp School of Technology (FT-Unicamp), participated in the CMCTI Culture of Innovation Study Group and Education Trustee that took place last year and is now one of the project volunteers . He points out that the development of “Maker Space,” or environments dedicated to creativity, is fundamental to building social and cultural capital. “In contemporary society, the existence of everyday problems related to the twenty-first century has been increasingly challenging. Developing initiatives that reflect these challenges in the educational process is very important,” emphasizes the professor.

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She also participated in the meeting, Administrative Assistant to Seditor Giuliana Vieira Pinto. Professor at Sorocaba College of Technology (Fatek) Nelson Rambin Filho; Coordinator of Professional Masters and Doctoral Courses at Sorocaba University (UNISO), Professor Daniel Bertoli; and educational advisor to the Municipal Network Victor Valasca.