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The mother baptizes her son Lucifer and becomes the target of criticism |  world and science

The mother baptizes her son Lucifer and becomes the target of criticism | world and science

The mother baptizes the son of Lucifer
Josie King / Sons

Posted on 11/11/2022 6:12 PM

LONDON – A 27-year-old woman has discovered that she has been criticized for naming her son Lucifer, the name given to Satan in Christian traditions. Josie King is from Devon, England, and points out that there was no religious reason for choosing the name of the now seven-month-old baby.

“I was called an ‘atheist’ – and I didn’t even know what that meant until last night. Everyone has their own beliefs,” Jodi stated on Jeremy TV’s Vine TV show. According to the British portal Daily Mail, the TV allure dealt precisely with stories of strange names for children.

At the time, Judy said she saw Lucifer in a book with baby name suggestions and found the Latin expression “light-bearer” to mean. “My son’s name is not Satan,” he defended.

For her, the baby is the “miracle baby” she gave birth to after losing 10 more children. A month before she found out she was pregnant with little Lucifer, she was diagnosed with paraplegia, a type of neurological disorder in which there is paralysis on one side of the body.

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