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“The most important people in my life”

“The most important people in my life”


Zelo Godoy met her children and grandchildren on Sunday (14) to celebrate Mother’s Day; The former from Zezé di Camargo lives in the United States

Zelo Godoy with her children and grandchildren to celebrate Mother's Day
© Playback / Instagram @wanessaZelo Godoy with her children and grandchildren to celebrate Mother’s Day

Zillow Godoy Sunday (14), her children met the singer and her ex-husband Zizi de CamargoIn addition to their grandchildren to celebrate Mother’s Day. The 64-year-old businesswoman and influencer posed for a photo posted by Vanessa Camargo on your Instagram account With everyone around the sofa.

“Mother’s Day Sunday with the most important people in my life. I love you.”Singer wrote. In the photo they are still Igor CamargoAnd her sister, the actress Camila Camargo with your children, Joachim, 3 years and JuliaOut of 2. Wanissa’s children with her ex-husband, Marcus Boyes, Also appeared on click: Jose MarcosFrom 11 years old and Jose Franciscofrom 8.

Zilu Godói with green card – Photo: Instagram @zilucamargooficial

Zilu Godói has been living in the US for a few years, and since then, the blonde has been fighting to make her residence in the foreign country official through a green card, a benefit given to foreigners living in the North American country that legalizes housing. At the end of April, Wanessa Camargo’s mother excited her Instagram followers by announcing that she had finally received the prized card.

In this way, Zilu Godói is officially a resident of the United States and does not have to worry about temporary visas, for example. “Darling, I want to share with you some very special and important news to me. I finally received my green card and am now officially a resident of the United States,” I started.

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