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The Ministry of Health acknowledges the failure of the vaccinated data – 08/12/2022 – Equilíbrio e Saúde

The Ministry of Health acknowledges the failure of the vaccinated data – 08/12/2022 – Equilíbrio e Saúde

president-elect team, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT), assesses that there are serious data problems in the health field. The government itself has admitted that information about vaccines in place against Covid-19 is no longer included in the filing systems.

Transition received information from CONASEMS (National Council of Municipal Health Ministers) and CONAS (National Council of Health Secretaries) that the Ministry led by Marcelo Quiroga warned, at the end of October, that there were no records of at least 30 million data doses applied against the disease.

This information will be recorded in municipal and state databases and not transferred to the federal government system. SUS managers passed information about the lack of dialogue among health databases to the transition team in November.

To deal with this kind of scenario, Lula’s health team wants to propose a new secretariat Focus on SUS technology. With this, the Datasus (SUS IT System) area will be directed to the new folder.

Group members’ reading is that Datasus needs to be updated, with integrated and centralized systems in a single secretariat. Currently, they claim that many data do not match reality and there is also an integration problem.

The creation of a new general secretariat may mean that there are no more high-level positions available in the Ministry of Health. Lula’s team is still evaluating transferable positions at the Esplanada to accommodate the technical groups’ suggestions for relocation without creating new expenses.

According to Mauro Junqueira, Executive Secretary of Conasems, the issue of vaccination data has not yet been resolved. He claims that there are serious interoperability problems in the Ministry of Health’s systems.

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Conasems members also estimate that there may be more than 30 million records of applied doses outside of the national database. This is because in many cities it is also difficult to register information in the municipal and state systems, in this way, they write it down on paper and only then get it recorded, which can take days.

“Not having real data from the information system is detrimental to planning, and the issue of responsibility of the manager, for example. We need real data, so the system must be reliable, and the internet must be of high quality. We have 5,000 health units in the country that does not have any connection,” Junqueira said.

The Department of Health, through a memorandum, denied that there was an impact on vaccination coverage data. He also said that the volume continues to work to expand systems integration.

“The Ministry of Health is developing information systems and integrating databases, and the Ministry has already allocated more than R$1.2 billion for the computerization of basic health units where vaccines are administered. Currently there are more than 31,000 units with computerized teams,” he said in a note.

At the CIT (Trilateral Committee of Directors) meeting held on October 20, Datasus General Coordinator of Information and Operating Systems Frank James da Silva Peris told state and municipal managers that the issue would be resolved by the end of December.

“The data, after you collect it all, remember not just from a recent period, but from a longer period, we think it’s close to 30 million records [não cadastrados no sistema]Peres said at the meeting.

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The new secretariat being considered by the transition team should cover the telehealth area. The transition members had already been told binding That the region should gain strength in the next government.

Not only in Brazil [vai ganhar força a telessaúde]but in all health systems, whether by teleconsultation, teleconsultation by the local team, remote diagnosis, remote management, remote guidance of users, remote monitoring of chronically ill patients to know, for example, Whether the grandfather’s wound is properly treated,” he said Former Minister of Health Arthur ChiroLast month.

2023 budget proposal sent by Jair Bolsonaro’s government (PL) To the National Congress proposes A nominal 58% reduction in the DataSUS budget.

The team should also propose to maintain the Primary Health Care Trust, which has been established in the Bolsonaro administration. The purpose of the portfolio is to plan, coordinate, supervise, monitor and evaluate the implementation of the National Primary Health Care Policy.

The Special Secretariat for Indigenous Health, which is responsible for coordinating and implementing national indigenous health care policy, should remain in the portfolio even as a Ministry of Indigenous Peoples could be created.

The transition team is still planning to create a mental health department and make changes to its control Federal Hospitals of Rio de Janeiro🇧🇷

The intent is to remove the leadership of the federal hospitals in Rio de Janeiro from the Executive Secretariat for Health and place the sector within the volume that looks after units across the country, the Specialized Health Care Secretariat.

Transition assesses that these hospitals, in addition to being abolished, are equipped by Bolsonarian politicians in Rio and by military personnel. The idea is to extend the ministry’s control over federal units.

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The health group also wants to promote the national production policy for medicines and inputs.

The health team’s initial report contains three main points: it presents the critical health scenario, proposes restructuring of the ministry, and addresses the budget deficit for 2023.

The transition team stated that The scenario is chaos in health🇧🇷 The team wants an increase of R$22.7 billion in next year’s budget. The value will benefit from investing in medicines, vaccines and ensuring that SUS works.

Bolsonaro sent to Budget proposal for 2023 With an expected 42% cut in discretionary funds for Ministry of Healthused in the purchase of materials and equipment and for investments.

At a meeting last month, Lula indicated that there would be no shortage of funds for the region. “Our mission will be to find these resources and invest in SUS, especially in saving the national immunization program to restore the population’s confidence in vaccines,” he said.