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The Minister of Defense defends dialogue with countries in building the new national strategy for science and technology

The Minister of Defense defends dialogue with countries in building the new national strategy for science and technology

MCTI’s Minister of Science and Technology for Social Development, Inácio Arruda, defended the construction of the new National Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation in dialogue with the scientific and academic community, state governments and companies. The statement was made on Thursday (15) during participation in the National Forum of Consecti and Confap, in Sao Luis (Massachusetts).

“Science is back in Brazil and needs discussion, discussion and a firm, well-constructed and well-defined strategy. A new national strategy for science and technology cannot be developed without this dialogue,” said Iñácio Arruda.

According to him, MCTI is committed to resuming partnerships with institutions, departments and state institutions that support research, and to bring back strategic players of the C and T&I sector into the discussion.

The minister said the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MCTI) should act as a catalyst for scientific and technological progress in the country. “We have many ideas to set the pace and move hand in hand in building an advanced civilization with science, technology and innovation as a background,” he stressed.

Inacio Arruda also referred to a set of relevant and strategic measures that the Ministry has already implemented in recent months, with a focus on completely reshaping the budget of the National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (FNDCT). It’s an impressive amount of resources from FNDCT, which amounts to R$10 billion. He noted that in addition to restoring the fund’s resources, we have set a lower and more attractive interest rate for those who want to implement technological innovation.

The representative of MCTI noted that FNDCT resources should help implement structuring projects and reduce regional disparities. “Many of the existing structures in our regions, whether in the south, north or northeast, can also be favored with reasonable amounts of resources, given the strategic factor of the policy being developed there.”

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He added that Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (Finep), the agency that manages the FNDCT, and the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) are the main structures of the MCTI to develop innovation and technology programs and procedures in a decentralized country. “This great recovery of Brazil is in our hands. We have a strong science and technology system.”

The application of FNDCT resources should be guided by the guidelines established by the new National Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation 2023-2030, which will guide the implementation of public policies in the field of science, technology and innovation, as well as serve as support for the formulation of other policies.


The forum is being held in the capital of Maranhao jointly by the National Council of Trustees for Science, Technology and Innovation (Consecti) and the National Council of State Research Support Institutions (Confap). The event brings together the heads of 27 state research support institutions (FAPs), state secretaries of science and technology, and representatives of federal and international agencies to promote ST and to promote discussion of priority topics for science and technology policy in Brazil.

Minister Inácio Arruda emphasized that Consecti and Confap are two strategic institutions of the National Science, Technology and Innovation System and highlighted the importance of the event to promote discussion and knowledge exchange that can serve as a basis for building a strong agenda for S, T&I policies.