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The mayor of Uvidor, Sebinha Nascimento, undergoes emergency surgery and is transferred to the intensive care unit in Goiânia.

The mayor of Uvidor, Sebinha Nascimento, undergoes emergency surgery and is transferred to the intensive care unit in Goiânia.

This procedure was necessary due to mesenteric ischemia and cholecystitis.

The mayor of Uvidor, Sebinha Nascimento, undergoes emergency surgery and is transferred to the intensive care unit in Goiânia.
Mayor of Ovidor, Sébio Machado do Nascimento (Photo: Reproduction)

The Mayor of Ovidor issued an official statement informing that Sébio Machado do Nascimento underwent emergency surgery on December 21, 2023. The intervention, which is a surgical intestinal resection with primary anastomosis and cholecystectomy, was performed at the Hospital of São Nicolau, in the city of Catalão. This procedure was necessary due to mesenteric ischemia and cholecystitis.

After the surgery, the mayor was transferred to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the famous Albert Einstein Hospital, in Goiânia, where he is receiving the medical care necessary for his recovery. Sibio Machado do Nascimento’s general health condition is considered serious, but the Communications Department confirms that there has been a positive response to the treatments he has received.

According to the memorandum, the First Lady, Ana Lucía da Silva, accompanied the mayor of the city during this sensitive period in Goiânia.

In contact with the Albert Einstein Hospital, Zap Catalao Report requested an official note on the health condition of Mayor Sébio Machado do Nascimento. We are awaiting a response and will update information as soon as it is available.

We will continue to closely monitor developments in the Mayor’s health condition and will provide you with updates as they become available.

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