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The man was ejected from the plane for wearing masked underwear in protest

The man was ejected from the plane for wearing masked underwear in protest

A passenger has been ejected from a United Airlines flight for attempting to travel wearing red underwear instead of a mask, according to federal law. The man – later identified as Adam Jenne, 38 – is opposed to the need to wear protective clothing and claims to have done the same on previous trips as a form of protest.

The lawsuit was filed last Wednesday (15) on a flight from Fort Lauderdale, Florida to the capital, Washington (DC), and was recorded by a passenger sitting next to Jen on the plane.

“This is the Cape Corral guy [Flórida] Tried to wear masked underwear on a United flight today in Fort Lauderdale. He was ejected from the plane. TSA [Administração para a Segurança dos Transportes, na sigla em inglês] And the sheriff was called, but the passengers were quiet, “said ABC 27 announcer Zoning Frampton on the social networking site.

NBC subsidiary Adam Jenne justified the protest, saying “the best way to explain absurdity is to make absurdities.”

“It doesn’t make sense. Govt doesn’t know we’re at travel heights [quando o avião alcança a maior velocidade, graças à baixa densidade do ar]. This is nonsense, the whole theater, “he said, referring to the forced use of the mask.” On each flight, I get different reactions from the crew. Some approve, others conflict. “

Jenny said she was ejected from a Delta Airlines flight for the same reason and refused to comply with federal law. “I don’t wear a mask at the airport,” he added.

The TSA requires passengers to wear masks at airports, airplanes, buses and trains. The rule runs until March 2022, when it may be extended by President Joe Biden’s government – of which Jane is the most important.

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