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The legal framework for science proposed by the RN government has been approved by the deputies

The legal framework for science proposed by the RN government has been approved by the deputies

The approval by the Legislative Assembly on Tuesday (24) of the legal framework for science in Rio Grande do Norte is a step towards the advancement of scientific, technological and innovative research in the state. The bill, proposed by the state’s executive branch, aims to strengthen the State Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (Fundet) through procedures, rules and incentives for innovation and research. The order goes to the governor Fatima Bezira to punish him.

The new legislation establishes the State Policy for Scientific, Technological Development and Innovation of the RN (PEDCTI/RN), which regulates the State System of Science, Technology and Innovation of the RN (SECTI/RN).

The intent is to make the state more modern and efficient in terms of laws and customs related to science in order to ensure legal certainty in this field. In addition, the measure introduces complementary changes, such as defining the Secretariat for Economic Development (Sedec), which will be renamed the State Secretariat for Economic Development, Science, Technology and Innovation, as the responsible department for this new policy.

The Foundation for Research Support in the State of Rio Grande do Norte (Fapern) the implementing agency of Fundet ー will also change its name, changing its name to Fundação de Amparo e Promoción à Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação do RN. According to the Acting President and Director of Fapern, Joserima Ferreira, the legal framework represents the development of the country by encouraging research.
The project has been discussed extensively with institutions of science and technology (ICT) and entities such as the Confederation of Industries of Rio Grande do Norte (FIERN), the Brazilian Support Service for Small and Small Enterprises (Sebra), the Fecomércio of RN, the Ecossistema Natal Innovation Center (ELI) and the Innovation Support Center ( NAGI / FIERN).

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And united the agenda of the opposition to the rule of law. “Today we have a country that is more than ready to develop its technology,” Representative Isolda Dantas (PT) stated. To put an end to the positive aspects of this issue, Getúlio Rego (PSDB) has classified it as “essential for projects to be utilized, in order to provide resources for an instrument for the growth of the state”. “This project is a turning point in the development of the RN,” Deputy State Hermano Morais (PV) confirmed.

Among those present at the vote were the rector of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Jose Daniel Diniz Melo, and the former rector Angela Paiva, current coordinator of the Augusto Severo Technological Park (PAX).