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The Labor Court contracts a health plan worth 120 million Brazilian riyals – Al-Modon

The Labor Court contracts a health plan worth 120 million Brazilian riyals – Al-Modon

This will benefit 2,908 employees, including judges, employees, pensioners, pensioners and dependents.

The Labor Court contracts a health plan worth 120 million Brazilian riyals – Al-Modon
Facade of the Regional Labor Court of the 24th District, in Campo Grande. (Photo: TRT24)

The contract signed yesterday between the Regional Labor Court of the 24th District and Unimed Campo Grande provides R$120.2 million for the health plan over five years – 60 months – which is equivalent to R$2 million per month for the private health plan. entity.

The contract extract is published in today's edition of the Official Journal of the Union and stipulates a user participation of 50%.

The current agreement between the entities expires on December 31, 2023, when the 30-month effective term of the last contract, signed in July 2021, expires, according to data from the court's transparency portal.

At that time, the agreed value was R$43.6 million, but R$40.3 million was later added.

The plan provides for the provision of outpatient and hospital medical assistance, including obstetrics, nationwide, with a 50% sharing of the cost of consultations, and air medical transportation for judges, civil servants, workers, retirees, pensioners and their dependents. The total beneficiaries are 2,908.

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